By Anonymous - 18/10/2014 14:53 - United States - Pekin

Today, I was at a football game with my boyfriend. I said my hands were getting cold, hoping he'd hold them. He replied, "Uh, they make pockets for a reason..." and physically showed me how to put my hands in my pockets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 200
You deserved it 7 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, that's probably what I'd say too. I'm very sarcastic though...


44skull44 6

Why would you not just ask him to hold your hands? Stop playing mind games

I hardly think that's mind games. OP probably didn't realize how clueless her boyfriend is.

He's a bloke. We're clueless about that sort of thing.

Well I can't say that he's wrong but...

instead of just hinting around you should have just grabbed his hand instead. men aren't mind readers and he probably thought he was helping.

#14 is completely right, and anybody downvoting is an idiot. Come at me, bros.

IKickPuppiesHard 16

I think the down voting is coming from "He probably thought he was helping". What adult doesn't know how pockets work?

knoxxx 22

50 - Yeah, most adults know how pockets work, but it's an actual psychological thing that men try and solve what they perceive as problems by offering up the solutions they can think of. It's why a lot of men and women fight when women try to vent about their issues, just wanting someone to listen, and then men respond by trying to offer up solutions.

IKickPuppiesHard 16

57- That's fine and all but when you answer someone the way the bf did it was for one of three reasons: to be funny, to help or to be an asshole. I thoroughly doubt he actually thought he was helping. I'd lean more toward the funny route. Its like if you walk up to someone painting a wall and say "Hey you should put the paint on the brush before you put the brush on the wall."

Steve95401 49

You should have put your hands in his pocket.

RedPillSucks 31

Funnier if she put her cold hands down inside the front of his pants.

Not really the romantical guy, is he? ^^

could just try holding his hands...Idk...

I can see how you're upset but I don't see why you didn't just ask him to warm you're hands, we guys can be pretty oblivious

never disturb a guy while he is watching games.. one simple rule...

Maybe men are just deeper than you think. While you're upset that he didn't take your hands, perhaps he's off posting a similar FML elsewhere, all 'Today my girlfriend was sitting next to me, and started complaining about her hands being cold instead of just holding my hands...' Or, y'know, maybe guys just don't think in 'clues' and you should have just held his hands off your own initiative. *shrug*