By Anonymous - 18/10/2014 14:53 - United States - Pekin

Today, I was at a football game with my boyfriend. I said my hands were getting cold, hoping he'd hold them. He replied, "Uh, they make pockets for a reason..." and physically showed me how to put my hands in my pockets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 200
You deserved it 7 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, that's probably what I'd say too. I'm very sarcastic though...


Thats why men dont understand women. If you want to hold my hand just SAY THAT instead of playing headgames and then moaning on about it on FML

I gotta say that's actually kinda cute that he didn't get it.

TomeDr 24

I'd say that's pretty typical. Some men do NOT takes hints. Next time, just tell him you want to hold hands.

ProudDaddy 7

Damn, I get that we as men are the best on picking up on little hints, but I would've picked up on that lol

knoxxx 22

Men often don't pick up on subtle hints, next time just try holding his hand.

You should just flat out hold his hand. Guys don't really get that kind of stuff. ): I think it would be pretty funny if my girlfriend taught me how to put my hands in my pockets.

venomrusty 2

Boone reads minds. You want to hold his hands then tell him

Was this the day after he turned the ceiling fan on when you started unbuttoning your blouse in front of him saying you were getting hot? XD

Haha that's pretty funny. After he showed you that you should have invaded his pockets ;)