By Anonymous - 28/09/2015 09:01 - United Kingdom - Southam

Today, I was at a get-together at a friend's house. Half an hour in, it became clear that someone had farted, and we all took turns asking who it was. When someone asked me, my girlfriend chimed in with, "Oh please, if it was him, you'd all be dead". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 928
You deserved it 4 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA that was actually a great one from her! She saved you (:

On the bright side, at least they know it wasn't actually you who did it


Yeah come on, that's just plain funny. I would make that joke about my fiancé.

Don't let her go Man U have a true keeper

This girl is a keeper for sure! Hahahaha!

nitrog100 21

You marry that girl right now.

You were with friends right? Who cares! I'm sure everyone got a laugh out of it.

The problem here is that you have friends who ask who passed gas like 5 year olds. As for your girlfriend, it sounds like she has a wicked sense of humor.

I say the same thing about my husband HA!

Day 69 still looking for the problem. (I wish my girlfriend was this chill... And real)