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By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 21:28 - United States

Today, I was out clubbing. My girlfriend went to get us drinks, so I danced alone while I waited. Some girl with hideous meth mouth, who was clearly tripping balls, started harassing and groping me and got all three of us kicked out when my girlfriend returned and beat the hell out of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 547
You deserved it 3 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa, badass girlfriend! Dealing justice one bitch-whipping at a time! Better not piss her off, OP, your balls would get kicked so hard they'd turn into diamonds. But hey, congrats on having a loyal girlfriend!

Hey, least she didn't take it wrong and think you were cheating on her!


I seriously thought it was going to be the girlfriend with another guy.

plum_lovin 28

I'm guessing your girlfriend won the battle considering the way he said it, "beat the hell out of her"... so at least your girlfriend knows it wasn't you who was doing the groping.

I can't even remember someone saying "tripping balls"... Ah, memories! You should try something else OP, I have heard clubbing gets boring after a while.

Whoa, badass girlfriend! Dealing justice one bitch-whipping at a time! Better not piss her off, OP, your balls would get kicked so hard they'd turn into diamonds. But hey, congrats on having a loyal girlfriend!

Diamond balls.. I cannot imagine that without smiling.. :)

LiterOfCola 16

I was thinking they'd turn into peanut butter but diamonds are much nicer.. :P

All I see is a future of bedazzled ballsacks...

Keattles 14

Really???? Rihanna????.......... Tisk tisk...

16- fun fact: diamonds can be made from peanut butter, as it is carbon-based, and diamonds can be made from anything carbon-based. There's this giant machine that squishes whatever they put in the middle. (no lie, google manmade diamonds)

LMAO 46, I can totally imagine that. Haha that would be hilarious, someone should do it lol.

Hey, least she didn't take it wrong and think you were cheating on her!

winkydog4056 16

#12_Perhaps OP's girlfriend should beat the hell out of YOU for your hideous meth mouth spelling and grammar.....

23- I'm sorry but I fail to see that many glaring grammatical errors in 12's comment to warrant your nasty comment. Typos happen. Simmer down you grammar nazi wannabe!

Am I the only one thinking about how easy it is to beat the shit out of a person tripping balls?

ryry013 6

I thought this FML was going to end up with the GF breaking up with him because she thought he was cheating.

thatKidzmOm 10

44-maybe not. If they're tripping, they may not feel any pain and be harder to beat up or knock down. I guess it depends

I totally imagined her going Sakura on her. She certainly got clubbed.r

I agree with everyone else here at least she was like OOH HELL NAW and serve some justice.

That's a down chick. Maybe not wife material but fun to hang around for a while

haha_funny_me 7

Seriously what was the point of that whole statement.

Girl that sounds like a loyal person who doesn't jump to "He's cheating on me!" And fight to keep him?. Oh... Wait a second... I see it now! OP DO NOT MARRY HER!

7- I think you commented on the wrong FML, if you commented it on one where a girl kicked her boyfriends nuts for breaking up you'd have got lot of thumbs. Unfortunately here a girl kicks another girl so you can't say the same; in this case the girl is great, awesome, marry her blah blah...

I would tell my daughter a guy who is quick to fight when a problem arises is not a good match either. Just jumping to a fight could lead to her or you being arrested.probably could have been handled better. Just telling op to watch out for the violent acts of his great girlfriend.

You gotta fight... For your right... TO PAAAAAARTAAAAAYYYYY!

LappDance 16

Listen al y'all, it's a sabotage!

We didn't start the fire It was always burning just the worlds been turnin...

Well that escalated quickly. Couldn't help it, had to do it. Thumb it down now. But I bet this is the same girlfriend who kicked ass in paintball. She is one badass chick.

lifeindafastlane 1

that's cool woman to have there

Hydromicide 6

Yeah dude, sounds like you've got an awesome girlfriend for real