By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 02:02 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By ThisIsWhyIStayAtHome - 24/05/2014 00:09 - Ireland - Dublin
By 0ptimu5 - 11/09/2009 04:39 - Australia
By lehonj49 - 21/06/2013 16:10 - Australia - Burwood
By Anonymous - 07/12/2012 21:28 - United States
By Owned - 29/01/2009 00:32 - Taiwan
By Anonymous - 02/02/2013 23:03 - Belgium - Schepdaal
By lonelyboy101 - 27/08/2009 00:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/12/2012 00:31 - United States - Rocklin
By *facefloor* - 24/07/2012 20:08 - United States
Shut up
By Anonymous - 14/05/2019 20:00
Top comments
Stand up for yourself. She was coming on to you.
Upkick him square in the nuts
12- Men don't hit other men in the balls, no matter how bad they be bitchin'.
But kicking, now that's another story
Definitely grounds to throw down there. If you're a sweet piece of man meat it's not your fault. Smack that a-hole... Then let her boyfriend know his girlfriend is a floozie
This is a whole new meaning of getting ****** by a girl in the club.
odd family reunion
You gotta fight For your right To party!
#31 If a man pulls a gun or knife on me and I'm unarmed then in going strait for the balls
Should have did it again and hit him.
More like piss her off...
OP identified her as a cute girl so I don't think the insult would be effective.
More like 'That was your woman' since she came to a bar with him yet she hit on other guys to dance with.
Better yet, tell him "your woman?? She's been every guys woman here tonight" ;) that'll piss him off :3
He didn't kno Duu
Offer him two dollars, a Happy Feet burger king watch, and a piece of double bubble gum to buy her. That should do it.
6, people who say things like that piss me off to no end. Obviously women are not property. I'm pretty confident the man in the OP agrees with that, considering 99.9% (roughly) of people in modern society agree with it. "My woman" was simply a concise way to tell the OP that the woman with whom the OP was suggestively acting was in a relationship with him. Don't overthink things, especially when you're deciding whether or not they're politically correct.
And here comes the feminist to defend the *****. Not giving an excuse for her actions or saying they are wrong, but attacking the guy for saying my woman. If the girl said my boyfriend you would sit there with your mouth shut.
How do you refer to anyone of relation without using "my" before the noun? My parent. My friend. My sibling. My significant other. My spouse. My child. My professor. If you want to look at it that way, you can be a tight ass and think of everyone as property. To hell with the 15 idiots who thumbed you up.
******* hate when feminists say stupid shit like that. You want equal rights? You get to work just as hard. Don't say chivalry is dead, because as far as I'm concerned, there's no need to treat you any better than a man. Not completely sure if this person is a feminist but it still brought up the topic lol.
It wasn't odd at all. It's normal for people to speak possessively.
Tell him who's boss! Anyway, how were you supposed to know she was taken?
Happens to all of us. You're drunk, a girl looks your way (probably thinking how disgustingly putrid you look) you think she wants your penos. You get knocked out. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
I'm sorry but every time I see your pic I have no clue what the hell is going on in it. I stare and I stare but I receive nothing. Any chance of some enlightenment?
You also whine like no tomorrow ...
You know, 20, I've met a few whiny men too, and they weren't in diapers or anything either.
This bitch wines like there's no tomorrow. ;)
29- Whine* xD
men are complete dumbasses so it evens things out.
39 No, wine. Apparently your "I wish I was cool so I'll make my hair look straight out of an anime" hairdo blocked all thought to actually get the joke I made. This is why I hope you pay as much attention to school and logic as you do shopping for "hardcore" care bear outfits and purple non-permanent hair dye spray. Kids these days...
I got the joke because my hair isn't purple. >:)
Get up, wrap an arm around his waste and say "you're much finer than she is, bigboi." you'll either get knocked out again or a new boyfriend. I'd do it.
I don't think anybody wants to wrap their arms around waste! Ahhg!
Sorry, OP, but he's so rude! We all know how he feels, though :...

Stand up for yourself. She was coming on to you.
Say, "That was a woman?!" I bet that would piss him off.