By ILTali - 03/03/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I was at a party and we were all playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. It was my crush's turn to spin the bottle so my heart started pounding. The bottle pointed towards me! Then my crush said, "With her it'd be 'Seven Minutes in Hell'. Just skip me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 827
You deserved it 8 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww, what an ass hole! :[ You're better than him =D

musu_fml 0

Look at the good side: now you know he's a prick, you can stop wasting your time having a crush on him, and turn your attention on someone who's actually NICE.


215statechamp 0
Literacy 0

#15 A bottle is more practical for frail, weak little teenage girls. #23 Shotguns are complicated weapons for girls... and kids in general. They're hard for the inexperienced to load, ****, and aim; many people try to put it up against their shoulders (bad >.>) and so on. If you know how to use one (I've shot lots of different splitters before [splitter - replica of gun that shoots on dryfire and is incapable of taking ammunition; a blank shooter]) then it's an effective weapon. Not very practical but very effective. To the original post... You actually still play 7/11 Minutes in Heaven? I think the last time I saw this game ANYWHERE was on an episode of King of the Hill my uncle and his drunk friend were watching. Just don't play it. Just don't. Woo, you got lucky with your crush, but you barely know they guy, what the hell are you going to do in seven minutes in someone's coat closet? Kiss, and that's it? Might as well call it 30 Seconds in Heaven. Get in and get the hell out.

DestroyedCherry1 0

OMG I woulda bac handed him that BITCH

That's just not right. if I were you I'd slap him.

Ugly people shouldn't post FMLs where they cry that a person out-of-their-league rejected them. Stop crying ands get some lesbian friends.

oh yes #98 so trueee, as for the fml, skip him., :P

tangle_kelp66 0

Mean. Now's the time to drop your feelings for him and look for someone else, even if it may be a bit hard. :/

what's the deal with girls liking jackass's??? your own fault.