By DuckyKiller - 20/06/2009 12:11 - United States
Same thing different taste
Benny Hill theme music starts
By Anonymous - 26/08/2023 14:00 - United States
By fml...really - 27/11/2009 07:45 - United States
Get the **** outta here, kid
By Anonymous - 07/02/2023 16:00
By newly passed, newly grassed - 06/12/2014 17:04 - United Kingdom - Birmingham
By Quackers - 11/04/2012 15:39 - United States - Denver
By Anonymous - 28/08/2011 11:29 - Australia
The bird
By Mariah Barnes - 24/07/2020 08:01
By Anonymous - 30/09/2024 12:00 - United States
Good boy
By PrinceOfBritain - 14/05/2015 02:41 - United States - Chesapeake
By Rick - 14/03/2010 13:36 - United Kingdom
Top comments
awwwww :( poor ducky
Wow that just wrong....
No, It's not wrong, wrong is some sort of torture, a duck being stupid enough to fall off a waterfall and kill itself, Well, Thats just retarded.
I swear to god, you people comparing the lives of animals to those of humans make me sick. Go bomb a medical facility for developing insulin through animal testing, you dumb bitch. Keep in mind that condemning animal research also includes organ transplants, heart surgery, antibiotics, and really any type of invasive surgery. Meat is murder! Yeah, and without that murder we as a race would still be living in caves. It is a proven fact that once pre-humans began ingesting protein their brains increased in size. Yes, a duck died, it was sad and an accident. If I killed another person entirely by accident, such as by falling and landing on them, breaking their neck, the only punishment I would legally recieve would be my own guilt. If I killed a baby duck, I get a slap on the wrist and some faux animal blood tossed on me by PETA fanatics.
@121: I don't swim next to waterfalls precisely BECAUSE I'm not stupid ...and, would you know it, I'm alive. Imagine that!
@ Check_Mate, I agree 100%. This girl in my class (malnurished and 95 lbs, mind you,) is telling my why I shouldn't eat meat because its murdering a poor innocent cow/chicken. So I told her (Pardon my language): "Do you know why we eat cow and chicken as opposed to horse and veil? Because cows and chickens are ******* retarded, and easy to catch. Have you ever had horse? It's ******* delicious! Way better than cow. It's survival of the fittest, if a dumb-ass chicken gets itself caught and happens to get killed, I'm going to consume it to nurish my body and keep myself alive. Animals aren't innocent like you say, do you think if you jumped in a tigers cage it would eat some bush or leaves next to you?" She did a powerpoint about how animals and bugs and even bacteria should have rights. God, i hate that ******* Green T, "Save The Whales" state of mind.
Here, have an essay I wrote: PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is a joke. Outside a detention center, where else could one find such radical, criminal, destructive people? PETA claims to help creatures that are unable to help themselves and yet it is proven that two thirds of the animals they ‘save’ are then euthanized. “Sometimes the only kind choice left for animals is to put them to sleep forever,” claims the president of PETA. Puppies and kittens saved from ‘cruel conditions’ at adoption centers, euthanized. They are telling you that they removed these animals from a place they deemed too terrible to be given to human families just to kill them themselves. The hypocrisy of these people goes far beyond comprehension. The moderately radical members of PETA are known for finding elderly women with priceless mink coats their long-dead father probably gave them and throwing faux blood over them, screaming about the number of animals killed to create it. It is something worth noting that there are few, if any, cases of burly bikers in leather jackets being assaulted. Morality of assault on the elderly aside, what does this gain the cause? Do they honestly not understand that any normal person who finds an article of clothing damaged beyond repair will simply purchase another? If I was attacked for deciding I liked the way a jacket looked on me I would buy two more out of spite. I can understand the protests in New York recently where in a college professor was needlessly blinding and killing cats for no other reason than to test an already accepted theory, but forming a riot outside a clothing store? Ridiculous. The destructively radical members believe that people should not own pets, not even guide dogs, and that medicine made through animal testing should be destroyed. In response to a question regarding the Vice President of PETA’s use of insulin, developed through testing on pigs, to treat her type 1 Diabetes she stated, “I need my life to save more animals.” Excuse me? So there is room for exception, but only for you? If you are going to demand that all products made through animal testing be eliminated I am going to have to ask for the penicillin your son is taking to treat his strep throat, take back the liver your father received, request your great uncle undergo surgery to give him back the old valve he had, and deny your grandmother the flu vaccine this year. The VP of PETA reportedly ‘understands’ the use of violence after medical testing facilities were fire-bombed by a man she had recently ‘loaned’ money to with the tax cuts PETA receives as a non-profit organization. The ALF, which PETA claims is a separate organization, has also been publicly supported by PETA members for their incredibly violent uses of terrorism and vandalism to attack medical facilities, laboratories, animal clinics, and colleges that perform tests on animals to better the education of their students. While this essay may be biased against the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, I implore you to do even minimal research on PETA activities and not have to repress your gag reflex. Much like the Nazi regime, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk exclaimed at a rally that any rebellion is bound to grow in power and support and thus it is futile to attempt to fight it. Truly it is frightening that such obviously insane and border line criminal people could possibly have such a large support group numbering almost four hundred thousand world-wide. The largest and most glaring flaw in PETA’s argument is that animals are more important than human beings. Aside from that they also claim humans are the only animals to kill others of the same species (tabby cats), the only species to kill for no reason (grizzly bears), and the only animal to take territory for the sake of taking it (ants).
Oh wow. Really? I'd rather save and an than a human from a burning building. Humans are too dumb to realize what they're doing. Humans are the problem to this world. They create stupid things like countries, government, and money which makes society worse. Yeah, I really like making animals extinct and making our world uninhabitable, give me a break. Animals ARE more important than human beings. They maintain order in the biosphere, while humans are breaking it. I love it when people die, because they deserve it. why are humans taking other species from their homes, or even breeding them just so they can be tortured and tested on? Why not breed human test subjects? There are plenty of humans. I just can't see how humans are the smartest animals in the world, and yet so stupid in their actions.
Doomsday, I will give you the black friday stampede, but that's all. If humans are the most stupid species in the world, then how come we have languages? How come we can form governments, society, and build homes for ourselves? Why do we have water, electricity, and all the infrastructure we have? And the computer, and the internet, you know, the thing you typed your rant on, if we're so stupid, then how did we invent that? And if you're so self-hating, then kill yourself. I'm sure all the whales and spotted owls will mourn you.
#158 Possibly one of the funniest 'OH SNAP!' moments I've ever seen, lol.
Wow I totally agree check mate. I think there is a lot of unneccesary animal abuse in the world, that can be stopped, but PETA is this cult of hypocrites that is becoming like a new religion, that worships animals. Some of their ideas are good, like not testing on animals, but burning down laboratories and throwing tomatoes and blood at fur wearers is 'unethical' and illegal! If they hate humans so much they should just kill themselves, since we are the 'cancer of the world'. Petakillsanimals . Com. If you've visited the kids page for PETA, you can totally see they are brainwashing all these kids into thinking that meat gives you cancer and milk causes acne. And did you see the comic "Your Mommy Kills Animals!"? It's this graphic book given out to CHILDREN. Ok enough said... About PETA Op: that is sad, but it probably wouldn't have survived anyway. If every baby survived it would be overpopulated. (but I kinda agree with PETA, WE are the ones overpopulating). Oh well.
Humans are intelligent, but not wise. We do things but dont really Get Things Done. We have forgotten our place in the natural order and our population is spiking out of control, using up shiploads of resources and producing mass amounts of waste. There's a garbage island for christs sake. Experiments on mice who are placed in "utopian" societies or societies similar to the western format, with plenty to eat and all the nice things we enjoy, mouse style. They would then breed and breed until overpopulated, at which point they became dussatisfied, angry, and more violent. Eventually they stopped breeding. Future generations forgot breeding behavior, so even after population returned to a sustainable level few mice bred. Eventually they all died out. This had happened in many experiments set up by the researchers over many years. Obviously something about this model of living doesn't work. Cleverness is no match against the one who knows how things are.
ok lets just rewind in time back to when you were three lets put you near a waterfall and lets see what happens . it was a BABY duck , its still developing its knowlege . its not as old as you are .
Ahh. The circle life. Not really. =X
i second this (and #16). zoom lens > killing baby animals.
he didnt kill anything, nature took its course and the idiot that gets too close to waterfall wont grow up.
I agree to people saying zoom, and to the others: I hope all you people die (since we have too many people in this world anyways!) because you seriously have no heart! You should be disgusted by the way you live and think. Imagine if you took your family (IF you have one) to a river and a bear comes and tries to "be your friend" your kid falls into the river and drowns, HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW IDIOT?! Well, no problem there, nature just took its course right?
That's what Zoom is for fool!
Wow, this is an FML, not jus yur FML!... "Today, I was leading my ducklings along near a pond, then saw a human and tried to run away but got close to a waterfall and one of my ducklings fell off. I lost 1 duckling trying to save them all. FML."... only if animals could talk and type...
holy **** that was so gay dude reversing them is never funny, especially when you suck at it By the way, stop crying. its only a duck
Yeah. And if you died, it's only another human, right?
Murder is killing purposely, but this, is more like plain stupidity, for the duck
Oh my.. Now I'm sad.
D= Poor duck. But yeah, good job.