By howniceofyou - 01/08/2011 18:12 - Canada

Today, I was at a pool party with some friends. They grabbed and lifted me in the air, about to throw me in the pool. My iPhone was in my pocket, so I screamed "MY PHONE!" They paused so I could gently throw it onto a deck chair. It bounced, hit the concrete, and cracked its screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 511
You deserved it 13 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NoobHat 6

Should've had an Otter box...

Nice Friends to give you the time to do that


BeautifulChaos27 37

Why bring a phone to a pool party in the first place? At least leave it in the car or something...

rachilio 26

Ok but that's better than a phone that doesn't work at all

upgradestorm1 20

Ive always wondered why people dont have good cases on their $400 dollar phone....

better a cracked screen than a ruined phone

Do you realize how your phone would be if you didn't bring it to a pool party?

Hey I'd rather a cracked screen then a water logged phone anyday!