By howniceofyou - 01/08/2011 18:12 - Canada

Today, I was at a pool party with some friends. They grabbed and lifted me in the air, about to throw me in the pool. My iPhone was in my pocket, so I screamed "MY PHONE!" They paused so I could gently throw it onto a deck chair. It bounced, hit the concrete, and cracked its screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 511
You deserved it 13 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NoobHat 6

Should've had an Otter box...

Nice Friends to give you the time to do that


lalamike25 0

Better the screen broken than the whole thing

dissdawg 5
bignardz101 14

Why is it that iPhones bounce so well???

ydi for having an iPhone, and uselessly including it in the fml

Wow, friends that actually stop so you could do that?

kelseydianee 11

Grass, always aim for the grass

id take a phone with a broken screen over a phone that doesn't work at all any day

well, if u had a galaxy like I do, it wouldn't have cracked.