By :( - 14/06/2013 04:06 - United States - Parker

Today, I was at a swim meet, swimming as hard as I'd ever swum before. During the last lap I saw no one in the lanes next to me. Thinking I was first, I became extremely excited. When I came to the wall, I realized the reason no one else was around: They already finished the race. I was last. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 317
You deserved it 7 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Times like theses... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming"

Woah! Did you feel that gush of wind? Oh nevermind, that was just the joke going over your head.


Poetaster 10

Dude!! I love your optimism!! We need more people like you!

You would have known if you were any good and wouldn't have been surprised you were in the "lead" if you understood you true ability. SMH

Llama_Face89 33

There's your first problem. Never look for the other swimmers. It only slows you down. What was the race?

happened to me once but i did an extra lap

Llama_Face89 33

Anything other than a 500 maybe you should consider something else

CharresBarkrey 15

Swum is correct. DocBastard had a whole comment thread going, an the mods changed the FML to "swum." It originally said "swam."

One can only hope that when you improve your coach won't think you cheated and demand you re-swim the race.

Last place is the first loser....see you didn't lose to everyone on everything. :-)

Yup happens to me all the time and I'm almost in the highest group