By :( - 14/06/2013 04:06 - United States - Parker

Today, I was at a swim meet, swimming as hard as I'd ever swum before. During the last lap I saw no one in the lanes next to me. Thinking I was first, I became extremely excited. When I came to the wall, I realized the reason no one else was around: They already finished the race. I was last. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 317
You deserved it 7 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Times like theses... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming"

Woah! Did you feel that gush of wind? Oh nevermind, that was just the joke going over your head.


At least you didn't get so excited you peed on yourself!

ddjustme 9

Keep trying, OP. You're bound to win someday :)

Don't you normally look up while you're swimming? Either way, thats embarrassing OP, sorry.

CharresBarkrey 15

You look to the sides when swimming. Unless it's a butterfly stroke.

you look down the majority of the time but you turn your head side to side so you can breathe.. giving you the opportunity to see of people are in the other lanes

Llama_Face89 33

I learned a long time ago if you worry about where the other swimmers are chances are you are going to lose.

DaLiquer 20

You have to train more, else, maybe swimming isn't your thing?

My comment number #1 disappeared? Why does that happen?

Lol i cant even swim ^_^ but practice makes perfect buddy

It happens to everyone...try a shorter race maybe you might excel into first...

perdix 29

You should be glad a lifeguard didn't jump in and pull you to safety. Your ridiculous stroke could easily be mistaken for the spastic thrashings of a drowning man.

TheDrifter 23

After reviewing past fmls, it seems that a number of people swim poorly enough that their technique is mistaken as downing.

At least you were the fastest swimmer when you were still liquid.

I was positive the last sentence of the fml was going to be something to the effect of "I had shit myself and the other swimmer were scrambling from the pool". This is why I have come to expect from reading these. Sounds to me like you got off pretty easy!