By phone-less - 17/12/2015 02:47 - United States - East Peoria

Today, I was at an amusement park with friends. We wanted to get a picture of all four of us, so we asked a nice-looking man to take it for us on my brand-new iPhone 6s. He took something. Unfortunately, it wasn't a picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 259
You deserved it 7 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

iPhones are expensive man I would take off and chase that ************.


Honestly, don't know why you would trust a stranger with a brand new iPhone 6s, regardless of how "nice" they look. If you guys wanted a picture so badly, couldn't one of you just had taken it? At least it would've ensured your phone would still be in your possession. But FYL, no one deserves to get anything they own stolen by others.

I'm sorry, you've never gotten someone to take a picture of your group for you?

fpants2010 18

I'd rather not get a picture taken, than hand over a valuable item to someone I don't know. I hope you were able to catch him!

dman798 18

Try finding a family or someone with kids next time to take the picture, or a park employee

moocowmilk0 19

rule of thumb, when you ask someone to take a picture, pick someone who you think you can outrun

Rule #1 for tourists-never give a criminal an opportunity.

Lol this FML is well constructed. I hope you get your phone back

Always get a fat person to take your picture. They can't run away fast enough.