By botharebad - 13/03/2010 05:14 - Canada

Today, I was at my boyfriend's apartment, when I came across a lacy black thong in the laundry. When confronted, he swore it was his. I don't know what's worse, the possibility that another woman left it there, or the idea that my boyfriend owns and wears women's lingerie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 453
You deserved it 3 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to wear them to bed next time you're together and see how he reacts. And who knows, it could be hot. :P

Are you kidding me? Cheating is way worse than crossdressing. Most crossdressers are heterosexual men. There's nothing wrong with that. Open your mind up, you might like it. If not, at least let him do his thing. I'd rather have a man who likes to wear feminine clothing over a cheater anyday.


If that's the only one he has, chances are that he cheated. Personally, I'd dump him either way.

well at least now you can borrow his clothes

Wow 5, you're an asshole. If it wasn't stated in the beginning that it was an "open relationship" then she has every right to know who he has sex with.

It might not be his. He could just make up some excuses just to cover his lies. If you believed it was his then u r an idiot.

Valentine_Beauty 5

Today, my girlfriend found the lacy black underwear that i always wear and role-play in. FML

itssjulia 13

I would have been like, "Hey bitch I've been looking for those for a while now. Thanks for having them." haha

since he lives in an apartment, it could have been left in the drier... give him the benefit of the doubt until he gives you another reason to believe he is cheating

if he wants to wear women's lingerie, let him