By budussy - 30/03/2009 09:06 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriends house and we were having sex. He has a game on in the background and one of his friends started talking to him. He immediately threw me off and said "I have to answer this." He went over to his computer and started talking to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 078
You deserved it 8 633

budussy tells us more.

budussy 0

He was playing eve-online and he had his speakers on listening in the background what other people were saying. Then one of them called out his in game name and thats when it happened. He did come back and finish though.

Top comments

I can't believe you let him come back and finish; how obliging you are :/

Tucatz 0

And yet you sleep with this bozo? WTF. Tell him he'd better find someplace else to stick his joystick.


What a ******* douchebag...I would have cut his dick off lol

damn, you probably deserve better, but you accept it so wont

starshine3987 0

I am SOOOOOOOO tired of "Me and my boyfriend/girlfriend were having sex at his/her house..." and "My boyfriend/girlfriend would rather (insert lame activity) than have sex with me!" FMLs. Am I the only one?

after reading half the comments on this one everyone seems to blame the guy now, i have varying opinions on both sides yes, the guy should have ignored it and kept going and people are like "why do girls date douche bags like this" when in reality, why do [some] girls expect to get what they want, when they want it 99% of girls think of guys to be these horned-up sex bots truth is, not all guys want sex 24/7

Ever think he might be gay? Any guy is stupid to get up in the middle of sex to talk to his friends on the computer

what is wrong with that guy? going to quit having sex to play on the computer? what a moron. NERD

games > sex "sex" "games" = AMAZING

budussy 0

He was playing eve-online and he had his speakers on listening in the background what other people were saying. Then one of them called out his in game name and thats when it happened. He did come back and finish though.

e_stone_85 3

I can't believe you let him come back and finish; how obliging you are :/

Ewww, he skipped on sex for Eve? That game blows, and not in the good way.