By budussy - 30/03/2009 09:06 - United States
By budussy - 30/03/2009 09:06 - United States
He was playing eve-online and he had his speakers on listening in the background what other people were saying. Then one of them called out his in game name and thats when it happened. He did come back and finish though.
#1 speaks the truth. Once they get in gamer mode, don't even try.
so nerds are funny #4?
I don't think that she's the one that's bad in bed, he is. He got out of it and didn't continue to have sex. What a freakin moron. He is lucky he's getting any with moves like that. Move along, find somebody more worthy and let his pathetic ass find somebody else to neglect in bed. And eff up his computer on your way out the door. Make him pay for being a retard. End of story.
Dumping him over it is pretty irrational. Telling him to turn off the speakers or the monitor before you get all into it isn't, though.
#14 - We mentioned WOW because it's infamous for shit like that. There was a case where a married couple divorced because of WOW. Husband: "Save me from the dragon demon thingy by casting some purple magical spell thingy on him!" Wife: "You don't deserve my power!" Husband: "You *****! You betrayed me for the last time!" Sorry, I never played WOW. I'm not sure how it goes exactly. Just an idea of how it might have happened.
thats something i'd do...and i'm a girl. i love sex but i'd ditch any guy for a game if i like it enough. and i have. but at least i end up with guys who understand and would do the same if it came to it
#18 just joined the fat list
but the question is, did he come back and finish?
#27, any moderately attractive girl can have sex whenever she wants. Of course you can ditch a guy for a game, you can replace him an hour later if you care to. It's not nearly that simple for most guys, which makes this FML more surprising.
I can't believe you let him come back and finish; how obliging you are :/
And yet you sleep with this bozo? WTF. Tell him he'd better find someplace else to stick his joystick.