By Anonymous - 08/11/2014 17:24 - United States - Newtown

Today, I was at my friend's Bar Mitzvah. After he finished his long-winded speech, I sarcastically did the mockingjay sign from the Hunger Games. It took a couple of seconds before I realized how that looked, and a couple more for me to be shouted down and kicked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 592
You deserved it 34 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

why would you do the hunger games salute at a bar mitzvah anyway?

This is a you deserve it all the way. Mazel tov to your friend.


Considering that the two actions look nothing alike as performed I'm not sure how the Mockingjay symbol is being confused as a Nazi salute. One is three fingers held up straight above the head. The other is five fingers straight and the arm at an angle. How badly did you screw up your mocking jay salute to have the two be confused? Also has your friend zero knowledge that you would be into references like that because surely they should have known you weren't being a Nazi and could have defended you.

juturnaamo 29

I'd think it looks more like "The Shocker" which could also get someone kicked out of a religious event.

No, no it doesn't. There is no way the District 12 salute could be confused with the shocker. You'd have to be completely blind.

Tsukiyomi 16

Should've done something from Battle Royale

OP, I have laughed this hard at an fml for a while! Thanks. I needed that today. Also, the Mockingjay symbol is also the Boy Scout and Girl Scout symbol. Not you're fault that they didn't get it. Just because two things look similar, doesn't mean they are anything a like. But really, thanks for the laugh. ;)

Wow, the fact that you felt the need to do anything after his speech shows how immature you are. The fact that you used that salute from the hunger games whether you realized or not, what you were doing. Kinda makes you a disrespectful jerk.

Parvati48 15

Haha that's funny but dumb on your part, should have thought that one through OP.

......why? What went through your head to make you think that was ok?

Why would you think that would be appropriate to do? YDI

I'm a little confused. Unless you completely ****** it up the Hunger Games salute shouldn't look like the Hail Hitler.