By Anonymous - 11/09/2013 13:29 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 22/01/2012 08:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/10/2013 05:24 - Canada - Scarborough
Bible belt
By Anonymous - 27/11/2021 14:01
By NoUsernamHere - 03/06/2015 13:25 - United States
By justjust - 28/03/2009 14:14 - United States
Sunday funday
By Anonymous - 30/01/2023 01:30
By sbutler - 14/07/2011 20:14 - United States
Nervous laughter
By Anonymous - 12/03/2017 04:00
Killjoy was hear
By barsituation - 03/01/2022 11:01 - United States
By potatoebee - 03/04/2012 18:19 - United States - Clover
Top comments
Everyone learns to sing at some point! Don't laugh, you probably sound just as bad.
It is in part an inborn ability, I think. It is honed through learning and practice, though. That being said, still shouldn't laugh at kids singing.
Yeah thats what i thought too. Until i was asked to leave a christmas sermon while everyone was singing. Several people near me started to laugh out loud. we had to pause the sermon and i was asked to leave because my singing caused a "disturbance" and i was accused of trying to ruin the whole thing. I was hoping that at 22 years i would have learnt something, but i guess not..
I'm sorry, maybe he/she sounds just as bad but he/she doesn't go on singing and trying to impress anyone by his voice.. though doesn't make the fact that he was asked to leave any less deserved.
#112 if he were, he probably wouldn't have put it in the words he did.
stfu! i thinks its awesome! and hilarious. laughter is a knee jerk reaction, just as i laughed at this fml, he laughed at kids singing. stop hating
They're children. Not only are they just learning to sing, but they're brave for getting up in front of an audience. You deserve it.
Fair enough, but laughing at children isn't constructive criticism, it's just nasty.
Singing in church is hardly a precursor to show business.
Sure, I'll ask Whitney Houston. Just let me go gather a seyonce together real quick.
Its a church. People enjoy seeing kids perform. While I think church is a useless, outdated institution, other people are free to spend their Sundays how they want. However, laughing at children trying to perform is rude.
I'm not surprised you feel that way 91, most queer dragons tend to be atheist.
They're singing at church, not trying to be Beyonće
I'm so glad Thundering Jibbs, leading expert on queer dragons, is here to clarify.
81: that was actually a quite accidental yet functional misspelling. Good catch.
Why were you laughing at them? They're just kids, OP!
Sometimes those kids are honestly hilarious... Picking their noses, and wiping it on their friends, etc, etc... but it sounds like OP just thought they lacked in signing skills.
Yeah, I wasn't all that great at sign language, either. Especially with all those boogers on my fingers.
I always have the problem that I can't stop laughing or stay quiet when I know I should. I laugh when people get hurt (from the fright), I can't stop laughing when something isn't funny at all etc. OP might have the same problem?
or maybe you and op have a mean sense of humor?
What did you think was gonna happen?
That they'd respect him for doing so and declare him the reincarnation of Jesus.
Hmm yeah, and so is Father Christmas..
You heartless asshole. Coming here for sympathy is now your 2nd mistake. They're just kids! You ass.
I wouldn't go as far as calling them a heartless asshole. I remember when I was a youngin at church I had to go up and sing a song I had no damn clue what it was. I lip synced the whole time, all the while my grandparents and my mom and dad laughed their asses off at me. I sure as hell would have laughed at myself. Little kids singing is cute as a button and sometimes you can't help but let out a little chuckle. It's may be a little mean, but damn if it isn't funny.
Laugh at the kids trying to twerk, not the ones singing at church, OP.
Oh hey, that kinda rhymed :) I made myself happy.
No, she's legal...not that anyone would tap that.
I was at a talent thingy and there were these kids breakdancing and then they tried to twerk... I lol'ed
Because kid's talent shows are called "talent thingy"s Lol
You should have said that you were laughing out of happiness from knowing that these kids had earned their place in heaven with their angelical voices. Ah, who am I kidding? Saying that you were being an asshole is more believable and accurate.

They're children. Not only are they just learning to sing, but they're brave for getting up in front of an audience. You deserve it.
Everyone learns to sing at some point! Don't laugh, you probably sound just as bad.