By RyanTheMan15 - 31/10/2009 03:23 - United States

Today, I was at my girlfriend's house watching a home makeover show with her and her mom. The show's host had a giant portrait of himself on his wall and then I said, "I hate it when people do that, it's so stupid." Her mom stared at me and pointed to the portrait of my girlfriend on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 549
You deserved it 30 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this could've been easily solved by saying 'i'm joking'. this solves most problems when chicks give you that look.

jchansfan 0

Awww... If its any consolation I agree with you! =) lol


that's not the same - you hate it when people place pictures of themselves in their home not when parents place pictures of their children... you should have caught this then realized that your dating a girl who's mother is a complete moron for mixing Anti-Egotistic beliefs with Anti-Sentimental ones.

llstan2006 0

You should have caught the OP said it was his girlfriends house and it was a picture of his girlfriend. It is the same thing.

well obviously they don't have their own house yet therefore his girlfriends house would also be his girlfriends mothers house. and there's nothing wrong with putting a poster of your daughter up in your house. how many people out there *don't* have parents that have put up a picture of their kids somewhere. it's very common and the girls mom shouldn't have gotten mad. she was just looking for a way to make your GF dump you.

I honestly don't understand what's so wrong about hating stuff like that. I guess your girlfriend's mother should be more tolerable towards different opinions.

LejlaSr 0

i agree with you.. and her mother could've just gone over it..

zetteymonsterxo 0

ydi for not saying "only for guys, for girls it's totally hot"

FYL. you don't deserve it because the girlfriend pobably didn't put her picture up, her mom probably did.

Ah, I did something like that the other day. I was at a mates house and we were talking about the english exam we'd just had, and I said I didn't like a certain question because 'talking about school dinners is so boring and uninspiring.' Her mum turned around and said 'I'm a school dinner lady and I feel very passionate about them!'... My bad...

aimeesea75 16

That's when you say "I mean when they have the portrait of themselves. It makes them seem so conceited. Having a portrait of somebody else is totally fine." or something like that.
