By FD4 - 15/09/2018 14:30

Today, my girlfriend's parents asked if I could move their car. I started the engine and began to accelerate, not noticing that the automatic transmission was on R. I drove right into a wall behind me, shattering the rear lights. Now I owe them $150 for repairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 303
You deserved it 3 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bullshit. With an automatic transmission, it won't start at all unless it's in park. You're just too embarrassed to admit you're a shitty driver.

Do us all a favor and please just turn in your license.


Do us all a favor and please just turn in your license.

I work in a panel shop. You can add another 0 to your estimate. At least.

When they asked you to move their car, they didn't mean into the wall behind you.

Bullshit. With an automatic transmission, it won't start at all unless it's in park. You're just too embarrassed to admit you're a shitty driver.

if the shift interlock is bad.. you can remove the key and put it back and start the car in reverse, drive, etc

Yeah I was going to say you can’t park a car in reverse obviously he did that himself

You obviously had to shift the transition to start and you were the one to move it from park to reverse? I can't really see how this is anything but a YDI

Automatics won't move when you just start it. You just shifted into R instead of D. Carelessness on your part

It is not possible to start a car with the transmission in Reverse, or anything but Park or Neutral. This is a phony FML.

Looks like that R stood for Repairs. Isn't English fun?

. It’s automatic, won’t start unless in Park. This can’t be right...