By itsgonnabealongnight... - 03/09/2011 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at my grandparents' house, when the power went out. Even though we were supplied with candles and flashlights, we still had to stumble around in the darkness. They'd left both the candles and flashlights in the pitch black, unnavigable basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 379
You deserved it 3 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

Use your phone to find the candles and flashlight!


I honestly want to know how this is an FML. Your life isnt ******. Just wait it out. They dont last forever.

Oh no a power outage. What ever will you do? *Yawn* Next FML please.

LegitMaddie 0
LegitMaddie 0
ZeroKnights 0

That's odd. Our power went off too just an hour and a half ago, but I live in Tennessee.

ZeroKnights 0

That's odd. Our power went off too just an hour and a half ago, but I live in Tennessee.

ZeroKnights 0

That's odd. Our power went off too just an hour and a half ago, but I live in Tennessee.

There seriously needs to be a "who gives a shit" or "quit your bitching" option.

Buzzy123 7

Ima go on FML and type my Fml today with my cell phone that radiates light at I can use to see in the dark.

Buzzy123 7

Nowadays teens always have their cells with them its now rare to see them without one.

There is something called a cellphone that provides light!