By itsgonnabealongnight... - 03/09/2011 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at my grandparents' house, when the power went out. Even though we were supplied with candles and flashlights, we still had to stumble around in the darkness. They'd left both the candles and flashlights in the pitch black, unnavigable basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 381
You deserved it 3 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

Use your phone to find the candles and flashlight!


Well you never expect to use them do you m

where's the rest of your comment?! you can't just leave us hanging like that! D:

There wasn't a rest of the comment but I'll make one up: well you never expect to use them do you. My grandma doesn't even have any she just borrows off the neighbours.

What's a candle? Arn't they like, old school flashlights?

beklyon 7

Get a free flashlight app and use that. :)

rockyraccoon28 8

or just turn the brightness up? flashlight apps are unnecessary. they don't do much more than a white screen can do.

leadman1989 15

The led on my phone is WORLDS better than a white screen.

I think she's asking why they keep the candles and flashlights in the basement.

BloodyDraven 0

they still make candles? jeez when the power goes out I use the flashlight app on my phone, lol

TheSchizoPsycho 5

What if ur phones dead???? Then what, dumbass?

not sure if stupid or just trolling......

Flashlight app might be nice for a power outage, but candles are a must for all things romantic. FYL for missing out on candle lit evenings.

MissBunnyWillEat 11

Of course they still make candles! What would we put on birthday cakes if they didnt?! D:

itssnotfunny 24

Yeah, until your phone died because you can't plug it in since the power is out.

Uhhh wow uhmm ur screwed.. I guess u all can just sit in the dark and play truth or dare ..

omg truth or dare haha so middle school but I love that game! :D

A100893 30

Use your ipod or phone to navigate? There's gotta be an app for that.

The default Maps app on the iPhone will solve that. Just punch in the address of your basement and you'll get dir- Wait, that wont work.I thought I could use that app for everything.

Use your ears and hands, problem solved Princess.