By Anonymous - 22/01/2010 02:49 - United States

Today, I was at my work. To urge people to be generous, I paid my friends to put 15 bucks in the tip jar while saying how great I was. He did this about ten times throughout the day. Turns out, us employees don't get to keep the tips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 003
You deserved it 28 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Absurd! Why don't you guys get to keep the tips?

You don't keep tips?!?! FYL. That's bullshit. Sure, you probably have done a little research before your little "investment", but still.... that's complete bullshit.


clearsky....if I ever seen you in a restraunt I will be SURE to give you the shittiest service you will EVER have! people like you deserve to sit on your ass at home and do nothing!

Clearsky18 2

Whatever, you don't know me. You'll never see me, so don't worry about it.

Clearsky18 2

Plus, tipping isn't mandatory. I don't see any laws on tipping, but if there are, I'd like to see them.

It's common practise to have a little change in any sorta' tip jar or collection plates, basic theory is that it encourages others to continue the fashion.

#86 - it's law of f-ing human decency. Are you seriously such a hateful person that you don't care at all about your server? Oh, probably not, because you don't actually see them as a real person! God, I am so happy to not work at the type of restaurant that people like you would go to!!

Tipping is a courtesy given to people that bust their ass for worthless assholes like you, clearsky. But at least you've just admitted you have no manners or common courtesy. And as for getting a "real job" or one that "pays more" I'll have you know that my husband is a software engineer, and on a good day, I make more than he does if we break it down hourly.

OK so if you make more than your software engineer husband, you have no right to come here and complain about the tips. I know you're not, but that's the point. Good waiters make good money and don't complain. Bad ones come here and whine about how people don't tip them.

cucuto89 0

p.s. this fml is about a fast food restraunt or something. Not a sit down restraunt. Evident by the fact they use a tip jar. which most fast food places do, but no sit down restauant would do. Tipping is not expected at fast food at all.

yeah we know it just got transformed into restraunt. I took it as like a coffee shop or something. I worked in a coffee shop with a tip jar. we made loads but we had to split it between like 10 people and only got like $5 but still. it was nice cause we did make minimum wage.

ayame_jbomb_2727 0

I worked as a waitress in between high school and university, I made minimum wage. However one will relise that in alot of places minumum wage is not high enough to live independantly, cause rent in most places in the city near my home is typically at least $1000 a month plus utilities, and thats a minimum. Working around forty hours a week at minimum $9/hr here you make about $1440 a month, which leaves $440 for utilities, food and miscilanious expenses (gas, personal hygeine, insurance, and saving for school so you can get a better job). When I worked at the restuarant I worked at I paid for the people who chose not to pay due to whatever problem there was with the food.

Why do you even have a tip jar if you're not allowed to keep the money that goes into it? I once worked a fast food job where we weren't allowed to take tips, but the fact that we had no tip jar helped to discourage people from leaving money -- and the few people who tried to give tips anyway had to have it explained to them. What, did you bring your own tip jar or something?

I call shananiganz on this one. I have never heard of a place that doesn't let the employees keep at least some of the tip money

The fact that tipping is considered obligatory is ridiculous. I feel really bad for the waiters, yes it sucks. But to expect someone to tip for bad service just makes me angry. You want tips? Provide better service. Don't want to make minimum wage and have to rely on tips? Get a job that isn't a server. I mean no offense - I realize this is FML and you're probably pissed that you are a waiter, and the economy's bad, and yadda yadda - but you cannot blame the customer for not wanting to tip you for giving bad service. It's a bad system for waiters, but you always have the choice. Find another job. And if you can't, well then, the FML should be that you're a waiter and can't find a better job. Not that someone didn't tip you. IMO, the only people who complain about people not tipping are bad waiters. I have known plenty of waiters that make more than me, and I don't do bad for myself. And lastly - I'm guessing what happened is that the OP has to share the tip jar with everyone, and he's pissed because he's losing 80% of the 150 bucks he put in.

This is not necessarily true. Some people just don't tip. Example- clearsky, among others posting on here, that believe they have no reason to tip, whether the service is good or not. Sometimes you get a table of teenagers that is going out to eat, and then they pay half the bill in loose change and leave nothing for a tip. It's not always just because they received bad service.

Being a server is actually a pretty sweet gig, if you're good at it! I very rarely get less than 15% tips anymore and usually average over 20% a shift. But regardless of how great a server I am, I do still have the occasional person who tips poorly or doesn't tip at all (I've actually been lucky to only be stiffed once in the past year). Some people are just stupid jerks or usually, just ignorant. The worst tips I get are from lower-class people that are trying to show off by going to a nice restaurant that they can't afford and they generally don't even know how to figure out what 20% IS, let alone that that's what they should tip! Most good servers know to expect it occasionally and don't let it ruin their night when it does.

I feel that tipping should not be expected. If I go to a restaurant, I am already paying for over-priced food. I also know that the server is already getting paid to provide a service. Why should I give them extra money for doing their job? If waiters expect a tip, shouldn't workers at EVERY job logically expect a tip? Today I went to a restaurant, at my bill was $28.54. I like even amounts, so I tipped $1.46, and I only gave a tip because the friend I was with thinks that waiters should get tipped. He pointed out to me, yet again, that I'm a bad tipper. I replied, yet again, that I don't care. It's a job, and they shouldn't expect free money. If some people feel like tipping, good for them, but if someone expects a tip they can go f*** themselves. They are greedy. If you expect a tip, but don't give free money to a friendly person in any job, then you are a hypocrite and an idiot.

septemberlovebug 0

For you, Mr. That_is_Silly. Dude, you're a douche-bag. Seriously, what do you do as a job? For people who work in a restaurant, should be tipped. They are doing you a favor by bringing you your damn food. (Not that you go get the food and bring it to your table yourself unless in a buffet type restaurant.) Like someone previously stated, they do accept tips or a gratuity payment if there is more than 8 or 10 I believe. Honestly, if you worked in a restaurant you would get really pissed off if you got tipped really shitty. I know quite a few people who work in that area and they complain about miserable people, such as yourself. I don't mind tipping as long as the service is well. If the service isn't good then I leave about a 5-10% tip depending on how much the bill is. Usually though I leave a 15-20% tip. I believe as though, if someone is doing something for you, you should praise them for doing so. I can't stand people like you. People like you piss me the **** off. I would love for you to have to be a waiter, just once in your life and see how well you do, and to see if any one leave you a damn tip. You stupid low-life miserable ****!

At my job, I made sure to be nice to every customer and treat them with respect. Did I ever get tipped? No. If fact I constantly got complained to for things I had no control over. I didn't expect a tip of course, because I'm not a moron. I'm getting paid to do something, I don't expect anything else. I'm nice for the sake of being nice, not because I think I'll get something out of it. By your logic, people in ANY job should be tipped if they are nice. Do you tip every nice worker in any job? I can almost guarantee you don't, so you are a hypocrite.

Servers get paid BELOW minimum wage. This is because it is expected for people that go to a restaurant and eat and utilize a servers services to tip. It's common sense, jackass. You really think that it's sensible that I make $2.13 an hour to serve multiple tables throughout the day as well as do sidework, clean, dishes, etc, and should not be tipped? People in other jobs actually get paid at least minimum wage. They are being paid to do their job. Why don't the supposed 'hypocrites' here tip people in other occupations that are nice? Because those people actually get a decent paycheck. If you think the food is over-priced to begin with and you have no reason to tip, go to McDonald's and buy a meal that's cheap and where you're not expected to tip, because everyone there makes minimum wage, dickwipe.

Well, that's your fault for getting a job that pays below minimum wage. You're an idiot. I have no sympathy for you.

You're ******* retarded. Nothing more I can say.

I'm not the one working for below minimum wage. You see, I make SMART life choices. This includes making sure I'm getting paid properly. Now, I'm guessing that you might say it's hard to get a good job. Well, maybe if you didn't swear so much, it'd be easier for you. It might also help to be more intelligent, but I guess that's a lost cause for you, isn't it?

Ahaha. I love how you think you know shit about me. Really, it's entertaining. :)

heartagram_in_ro 0

who gets the tips?! I'd be quitting

joal 0

I only pay tips if I get service that deserves it. If you think customers should tip every time, then increase the prices of the meals and stop asking for tips. If you don't like paying for tips you did not get, then get another job.