By Anonymous - 04/10/2013 00:16 - United States - Irving

Today, I was at Petsmart with my puppy. Someone tried to pet him. I tried to warn the guy that he is a rescue and doesn't trust easily. He didn't listen and now wants to sue me for a dog bite that didn't even break the skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 184
You deserved it 3 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why I don't like taking my dog out often. People need to learn to ask before touching a stranger's pet.

Kyuubi_Rose 11

Well, he can't sue if there is no damage and you did try to warn him. People should never pat strange dogs without owner's permission, it was his own stupidity


Coming from someone who works at a pet store. If your animal bites you shouldn't bring it inside. It's bad manners considering everyone in the store will want to pet every animal that comes in. If he does sue you then yes you could end up paying a fine.

beautifulsoul89 11

A prime example of a man not listening!

pittman137 5

Ugh, I hate people like that! Even if you tell them your pet isn't isn't good with new people, they assume that it won't apply to them for some reason. It's an animal for pete's sake! You never know how someone else's pet will react, and should always ask permission and then respect the answer!

Don't worry it'd get thrown out. And sounds like he's looking for a lawsuit.

vuduguru 5

I have a dog that is a rescue, it took a ton of work to get adjusted to being around strangers and that involves lots of risks including nipping and biting. But that dude is a moron, for one you told him not to, he still did, that's his epic fail, kinda wish the dog would've ate his finger and really taught him a lesson in stupidity.

I had a dog like this, you need to be more aggressive in warning ppl. I became the bitch with a dog, but everyone was safe. dog bite laws in ca are not to be taken lightly.

hazardmuffin 21

Honestly, some people... You always ask before touching people's animals. More than that, you always let the dog smell/get to know you before petting it. Though if you're dog is prone to aggressive behavior like that, you should be careful bringing him into places like that, if not to protect yourself from lawsuits, then to protect your dog.

You only bring friendly dogs into petsmart what if a kid ran up?? I have two dogs and only one goes into petsmart. Good dog irresponsible owner

Why would you take a biting dog to petsmart? Yes he should've listened but you should've been more responsible yourself.

I had a cute little chihuahua like that, my ex's dog ran away from me if ex wasn't around. I'd walk him and his cuteness would pull people in, until their hand was close enough to him and he'd go psycho!! I warned everyone. One lady said "oh that's ok, I'm not worried if he bites me". Dumb ass