By Anonymous - 04/10/2013 00:16 - United States - Irving

Today, I was at Petsmart with my puppy. Someone tried to pet him. I tried to warn the guy that he is a rescue and doesn't trust easily. He didn't listen and now wants to sue me for a dog bite that didn't even break the skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 184
You deserved it 3 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why I don't like taking my dog out often. People need to learn to ask before touching a stranger's pet.

Kyuubi_Rose 11

Well, he can't sue if there is no damage and you did try to warn him. People should never pat strange dogs without owner's permission, it was his own stupidity


Oof. My old dog was unpredictable as hell, keeping her from freaking out at people was a chore. She was a puppy mill dog who was traumatized. What kind of grown-ass man doesn't ask before approaching a dog? We learned that shit in kindergarten.

I feel you op. I have a rescue too. He was beaten as a puppy and he has been traumatized because of it. He's better now than he used to be. He goes to Petco for nail trims and he's actually really good in the store. I still have to tell people not to touch him because he will bite

Gawd, another person trying to make a quick buck. He doesn't stand a chance. I agree that this is in no way, shape, or form your or your dogs fault. This is solely his fault. I am a mailman and know all about dogs, you don't go up to a strange one, especially if the owner tells you specifically no. Hopefully he learned his lesson, lest he inflict real damage next time (the man not the dog)

doglover100 28

You don't pet an unfamiliar dog especially if someone tells you not to. What a genius he is.

Everybody just want a reason to sue..

frizz101 22

Legally speaking he has no case, you told him not to pet your dog because he is a rescue, and he did anyway. You told him the risks and he failed to comply, so ultimately it is his fault and no judge in their right mind would even consider this a true case.

he totally deserved it. if i ask someone to pet there dog and they say no i respect that and i would hope people would return the favour. i hate ignorant people like that

YDI: you shouldn't have brought your puppy with you if it had trust issues. People don't always think or realize they should ask.

squideth 18

Well, those people are idiots and deserve whatever happens to them. It is someone else's animal. How hard is it to realize that you have no right to run up and fondle their animal? Not very hard.

I'd be careful OP; suits have been made for even more frivolous actions, and won. For example, a guy jumped on my moms car at a stop sign twenty years ago and sued the shit out of us in civil court, saying she hit him, and took a pretty ten grand out of my parents. Also, if you knew the puppy was nervous, why start out its socialization by bringing it to a stressful place like petsmart? Fyl but also a little YDI.