By poopedon - 26/04/2009 03:10 - Canada

Today, I was at the beach and fell asleep in the sun. When I woke up, there was a blob of sunscreen on my leg. Thinking it was my boyfriend who was sweet enough to squeeze sunscreen for me, I rubbed it into my leg. After smelling my hands, I discovered it was bird poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 994
You deserved it 18 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your boyfriend squeeze a blob of sunscreen and just leave it like that on your leg?

LilKonvicted 0

Haven't you heard?? Bird is the word


Haha LMAO!... Sorry but seriously bird poop being confused with sun screen... Was your boyfriend around? Did you ask him why he would just leave a glop of sun screen on you instead of rubbing it on you?... I agree with # 33 and 34 completely.

omgitsseejay 0

"Thinking it was my boyfriend who was ***sweet enough to squeeze sunscreen for me***, I rubbed it into my leg." that's some logic

HAHAHAHAHA, to #6 and #8. lol. Bah, Bird bird bird bird is the word. I said a bird bird bird bah bird is the word! LOL!

happycat_fml 0

How do you know what bird poop smells like? I guess maybe you know what sunscreen smells like and you realized that stuff didn't smell tropical and good? lol I know you had just woken up, but the logic seems off here.

awe man, the word blob is what gets me most.

rt523 0

well atleast its easily washed off... my bf decided it would be funny to draw a huge dick with sunscreen on my back when i fell asleep on the beach...there was a dick on my back for a month (though i did get him back by putting bleach and lemon in his styling gel before we went out on the beach the next day)

rakhil11 7

well, @ least u could wash it off right away as u were @ the beach, right? ^^

how the hell do you confuse bird shit for sunscreen?! they're not even the same texture!! you totally deserved it.