By bill219 - 07/12/2012 22:40 - United States - Dallas

Today, I was at the breakfast table when my sister started eating a banana. Before I knew what was happening, I'd somehow popped a boner. I had to wait for her to leave before I could stand up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 233
You deserved it 26 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dixiefoxx 22

Never look someone in the eyes while you or they are eating a banana..


Hmm it's expected from Texans. I bet you're in the Deep South of Texas. What's up with all the family loving going on today.

Before any Texas people tell me anything about the comment. It was a JOKE.^^

Jokes can still be offensive. If its against a group of people someone will get offended.

I know, but this is where people come to laugh. So some people need to stop being so uptight and taking all the jokes so serious. So let the thumb down barrage begin.

Hear of the Aussie radio prank to Britain? Ended in suicide

So Texas people are going to commit suicide over one little harmless comment? I didn't know I had that much influence on people.

eoko 12

You'd find it more in the hill country.

36, clearly the point 32 was trying to make was that jokes aren't always 'just' funny.

KrustyKrap 5

No icastillo, it's not expected in Texas. I happen to live near Dallas and have more money than you could ever dream of, so it's not like we are "poor,dumb,toothless,redneck southerners". so keep the uneducated smartass comments to yourself. and btw even if that was intended to be "just for laughs", NO ONE found it "funny". lastly, **** you

Hmmm hit a nerve huh. And why do you bring up money? To sound cool. Tough guy chill out it was a joke. And your profile says you're thirteen, stop acting like a big boy and go to bed I'm sure it's past your bed time.

According to his profile he is also funny...most people just prove that instead of saying they are...bit of a god complex hmmm?

doc1990 4

Umm not saying that his joke was funny because people are generally the se all over. But, if your going to make a point, try to be factual about yourself. Or, don't even bring your self up person, but attack through facts and general facts and figures.

82, you're thirteen. Your parents have money. Not you. Get the **** over your egotistical self and go live the life of someone who grew up with nothing. You rich, ignorant pricks that get shit handed to you need to wake up.

82- Your profile picture is missing teeth, and it has a red head.... Close enough.

guys I'm from Texas and this doesn't offend me. It's a joke not a dick don't take it so hard

tsent8 15

I've lived in Texas all my life I laughed...then started plotting revenge.

I'm glad too see there is still people here with a sense of humor.

Haha thats why Illinois is better lol jkjk were poor as shit also cuz of our governer

mariebc123 7

Your an idiot..people from Texas are not like that. Your probably the dumbass that thinks we still ride horses..

tsent8 15

Mmmhmm yeah mmhm I bet you like that fruit salad don't cha.

I've heard some say incest is best, but I'm not convinced..

gmc_blossom 21

Incest is the best, why not put your sister to the test? Incest: Why cross the street when you can cross the hall?

It's only weird if you looked at her ass on the way out

I lol'd twice today. This is number two

haha_funny_me 7

What!? 11, please. Not even an acceptable joke. D:

haha_funny_me 7

New to the FML commentig world. I have no clue what I'm doing. Why is everyone on this site so cruel :(

They're jokes no need to take them seriously, you'll get used to it, just keep commenting and you'll see.

gmc_blossom 21

Welcome to FML. Where the majority of us are assholes. Enjoy your stay. EDIT: Apparently this posted twice. Dafuq.

gmc_blossom 21

75- Welcome to FML. Where the majority of us are assholes. Enjoy your stay.

We rape the new users. PREPARE YOUR ANUS. I HAS THE LUBE

haha_funny_me 7

Correction, good sir: not a new user, just a new commenter (took forever to verify the account) I know how you delinquents work. ;)

If you're on the Android (or maybe iphone?) app, you can reply to a comment by sliding it over. You should see a reply button and thumb up and thumb down buttons. Don't feel bad. It took me a while to figure it out too. You're welcome. ;)

haha_funny_me 7

I'm on my iPod app. It's got little arrows to reply and the mistake I made was I thought I was already in the comments menu to another comment (confused yet?) but it turns out I wasn't hehe.

lifeindafastlane 1

that's gross checking out ur sister and having dirty thoughts

No one said anything about thoughts. An erection isn't a thought.

anzie_fml 9

But if lots of guys think with their dick, then who says an erection isn't just a lightbulb going off?

Bowlcuts 1

Yo 21 that was funny as shit and you know it

Penguinbitch: I think 28 was trying to be funny, because 21 also didn't reply. If that makes sense...

LO388 7

59 - I think you might be giving him too much credit.