By dmvsucks - 13/09/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I was at the DMV getting temporary tags for my new car. While waiting in line, a huge fat lady behind me felt the need to run her finger down the scar on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 625
You deserved it 3 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say skinny or fat... I wouldn't be okay with a random stranger caressing my body at all. fyl


perdix 29

Maybe she thought you were Harry Potter. . . Or lunch.

she wanted to ride his broomstick. |the kid|

sweetTnt_fml 0
banananut 0

wow, op. it's people like you in this world that make girls become anorexic and bulimic. "huge fat lady" that is so rude. grow up.

thank you, I agree so ******* much. **** everyone who's bashing on overweight people.

It's quite a bit more complicated than that. You may as well say "It's people like her who cause agoraphobia". Or better yet, "It's people like her that cause eating disorders, because they're afraid of getting that fat."

how could she cause agoraphobia? that's a fear of open spaces.

Thanks for pointing that out, 104. I was thinking of the fear of public or people when I used "agoraphobia." I should've said "severe social anxiety," I suppose.

Maybe, just maybe, she WAS indeed fat? Eating disorders are awful, but I'd be willing to bet obesity is a much greater problem.

banananut 0

it doesn't matter if she was fat or not. op doesn't have to describe her as a "huge fat lady" he could have easily said a woman. does her weight or size really contribute to the fml at all? i'm sorry if overweight people are so terrifying to all the "normal" people out there.

Political correctness really has its effect on today's generation.

EvilDave 13

No, banananut, what causes anorexia is girls reading magazines written, edited and published by women and gay men who think women should look like 12yo boys, clothing designers who design clothes that look best on hangers so need skeletons to show them, and women who hate other women.

FirstBornUnicorn 0
sourgirl101 28

Your picture makes me want to get all my guns out too!(: Love it!

awkward..... I hope you said something to her

She was checking to see if the meat's just right... Mmm.

well in the united states there's way too many fat girls, the need to buck the **** up eat right and excercise and not be a lazy little b**ch then eat whatever they see. then maybe a guy wouldn't have to say the truth and get hastled by you lot.

So true. I used to be fat myself (as a child until the age of 15 - because my irresponsible mum over-fed me all the time and I didn't know any better), and if I could still get a girl and be respected the same as everyone else, then why would I have bothered losing the weight? The fact of the matter is that you need some level of fat-stigma in a society. America has started to accept and tolerate obesity - even starting to treat discrimination against the fat like racism - and look what they've become. Literally MOST of American adults are clinically obese.

missawesome16 0

u know wat somtimes it happens wen there younger if u dont lose it wen ur young its harder to lose it griwin up