By dmvsucks - 13/09/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I was at the DMV getting temporary tags for my new car. While waiting in line, a huge fat lady behind me felt the need to run her finger down the scar on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 625
You deserved it 3 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say skinny or fat... I wouldn't be okay with a random stranger caressing my body at all. fyl


WilliamBueller 0

Sorry OP that was me. Your neck just looked so cute. Next time I'll try harder to seduce you.

Yeah, it sucks that she was a creeper, but your FML was too tactless for me to feel sorry for you... A "huge fat lady?" Really?

Next time don't say "huge fat lady". Then I could put fyl but no that is just rude op shame on you!

#31 and #37 Agreed! Not only is saying "a huge fat lady" tactless and rude, it's also redundant.

#48... um I do not know were to start! You took this way over the top!! Op could have "painted the picture" just as good by saying an overweight lady or a bigger lady something of that nature. But your mind must be wack if that's the picture that was "painted" in your mind!

48- painted the picture *really well. Sorry, that's one of my pet peeves.

hate_spoons 0
nabo4u 0

it could've been worse. she could have run her tongue down your scar instead of her finger

Tasanasanta 0

I just think severely obese would have sufficed. True and correct :)

Mumbellosity711 0

Did she also say " the furniture in your living room looks nice from the front lawn."

what's the problem man! op openheartedly described the event... and you gut a vivid picture of it... your words give some gray and not contrast vision of a "big" she high like Gulliver or behemoth... then op did not give her name, address nobody can insult her...

omfgrofl1337 0

31, 37, whoever else- euphemisms are stupid and for those who are insecure. JS

yeah op shoulda said "a big boned opposite of small with a "medical condition" lady"

As opposed to a tiny, petite fat lady.

daaayum u gonna get it on with shamoo tonight!

kaylovely 0

65 do you go out of your way to be an asshole to this woman?

missawesome16 0

dude f*ck of so he thought she was fat u tell me uve never seen a fat person and go "DAMN there fat" in ur mind i mean at least hesay her name or discribe her so leave him alone every single 1 of u

hhhiii 0

yeah would it have been okay if a nice looking skinny lady did it? -.-

Guapito91 0

your fine.. there's a lot of ass holes out there.. like 200.. bet he lives in Cali cuz he wants to marry a guy cuz he doesn't know how to treat a lady.. god made you exactly how he intended too.. ;)

snagglepaste 0

The FML is that he had to go to the DMV.

huge fat people disgust me. the fact that they let themselves get that big is stupid. it's not a sad condition it's just lazyness and ignorance to themselves.

huga fat creepy lady!!!!! mmmmm did she lick her finger before??

azhein 0

if your to lazy to take care of your self then when someone says your fat it's your fault. people like the ones saying you shouldn't call her fat are dumb. how is she going to learn it's bad for her health if everyone keeps telling her she's fine nothings wrong with her.

I saw it. My sick twisted mind thought it was kinda funny.

hd9280 0
hd9280 0

YEAH!!!! exactly what i keep saying... damn. LOL>

hd9280 0

Whats with #211 "guapito" keep referencing me to be gay? LOL. Are u gay 211? lmao. I don't see any of you jumoing on him for that..... but jump on me cuz I simply stated the obvious.... the girl is fat! that is clinicly considered obese. seriously.

yeah i agree ist so unnesessary to call her a huge fat lady -_- its irrelevant

i have to agree that the lady's size was completely irrelevant to the story. it doesn't matter if she was fat or skinny or short or tall, either way she was invading OP's personal space. people who get extra-grossed out just because it's a fat person doing something instead of anyone else disgust me.

it's not laziness it's lack of self control it's like finding something you like well "obese" people like food and to them it can get to the point of addiction and you should be so quick to judge you never know the person could have a medical disease and can't help it.

maybe she actually was one of those people whom are fat as hell

Or it could be a medical condition. Don't judge!

530boy 0

eww lol well you do know obese people think everything is a twinky!

meganf 1

haha ahh I love tht! :D made me laughh(: fat people. for the win!

I_have_no_clue 0
hd9280 0

19 looks like the obese in question. quick give her a twinky! LMAO. 

530boy 0

actually everything is a twinky,19, and you didn't lose any weight after you took a dump, at least cover up that toilet paper back there.

85 and 50. Quit being assholes. There's a difference between curvy and obese. 19 is curvy. No one is impressed by you insulting people online, so stop trying.

hd9280 0

LOL 85! yea those ain't curves.... unless what u see are curves forming a complete circle.

you're an asshole. not everyone is 98 pounds, dumbass.

banananut 0

wow, 85 and 60 are so ******* rude. firstly, 19 isn't fat. she's at a perfect weight and you surely shouldn't be making jokes about her weight. it's people like you that make girls suffer with eating disorders. not every girl can look like a victoria's secret model. it really pisses me off when people make fun of other people's weight because they have a little more fat on them than most girls. it's so unfair and rude.

To all who called the girl (I can't recall which number she was) fat: She already knows she's not Barbie thin, assholes. Her weight is just fine. Not everyone has to be anorexic, you know!

144 you look like a girl I saw on a porno video... hmm can't remember which one

banananut 0

probably was me. which category was it in? jk..

hd9280 0

150.... u need to go eat a sandwich!! ur one of those girls u talk about huh. lol. and no way... 19 is fat!! and se knows it. ain't no one gonna touch her anywhere. haha

hd9280 0

139 is damn right. she curved outward alright. lmao.

hd9280 0

139 is right she curved outward.

hd9280 0

omg why are all u skinny girls saying she ain't fat. wud u be perfectly fine being her size... XXXL?

Dude cut the shit. Don't hate on people who are big. Do I have to f-cking tell you about my karma story? Don't make me.

Guapito91 0

stupid ass nigga.. quit bein a dumb shit.. look at you foo..! ever girl defending her has more muscle definition than your pussy ass..! and that mustache is ****** gay..!

banananut 0

yeah, actually dumbass i am. i've suffered with eating disorders and bulimia and i've almost died many times from basically overdosing from dangerous weight-loss pills. i've gone long periods of time without eating, while making myself puke and over working my body when i already had no energy. all because of one person's rude comment to me. and they were only saying it because they knew it would hurt me even though i'm not even fat. that's why it bothers me so much when people call other's fat cause i know how it feels to not feel beautiful. ******* think about the outcomes before you make rude comments about someone's appearance.

banananut Ive never suffered from an eating disorder but my best friend did. I'm so sorry no one was there to help you. But yknow what? HD is a troll and if there's one thing I've learned through gaming and this site it's that trolls like arguing

sammehsaurus 0

Yeah guys she's not fat. I had a friend with an eating disorder too, and it was a similar situation to 168's. She wasn't fat, but one prick told her she was and it really messed with her. Why don't you think before you speak? People don't have to be anorexic to be beautiful.

missawesome16 0

and all u ass holes wonder y yall are virgens

missawesome16 0

144: my take on the situation is this: the girl in question (19) is not morbidly obese. nor is she skinny. however, strictly speaking, she is not "fit," and would be considered overweight by most standards. nevertheless, that is not cause for the monkey-style poo-slinging that's going on. 19 should not be the target of insults! anyway... there is more to weight management than weight-loss pills and extreme dieting. for nearly everyone (including some with eating disorders), it is a matter of making careful choices in your daily diet and not overdoing anything. it's not impossible. also...the bullshit-ass "one-extreme-or-another" arguments need to stop. there is a happy medium. however, everyone has ideals. get over it, and keep it moving. |the kid|

pound it !!! haha I totally agree it's not cool

I'm don't mean to be disrespectful or to belittle the effect of mean comments, but eating disorders aren't just caused by cruel remarks. The remarks often trigger an already-existing underlying issue that results in the eating disorder. "Poo-slinging" like this is petty and shameful, though, and certainly contributes to the issue.

hd9280 0

164 "guapito"... lmao. there ain't nothing guapito bout u with ur swollen ass lip look like someone punched u. anyway... ::caugh:: yea I agree with 184. I just was arguing that exactly... she ain't skinny nor fit.... and is considered obese. face it.... those are the facts. ok... 

gibby1235 6

u guys are a** holes just sayin

gibby1235 6

oh and banananut don't listen to the fag who posted above me cause I think ur pretty hot 

you are seriously an ignorant waste of space

those bitches think they're all nice and all tough on the Internet but go on the streets and tell this shitt to an obese or chubby person to their face and let's see if they're "macho" enough to offend them. Calling someone fat doesn't make you beautiful or the best shitt on the block. call me a fag idc but I would beat the shitt out of the jerks on here for being an ******* ****. so go swallow y'alls pride!!!

obviously you don't actually know what obese means

Just check the BMI instead of commenting so much and judging.

hd9280 0

u really can't check her BMI.... the creme filling will ooze out. lol. Too massive to count. 

drawing_a_blank 0

5 and 60 look like dirty mexicans. enjoy your virginity assholes

hd9280 0

dirty mexican huh? lol... I'll show u a dirty mexican... what are you "MR"? no pic cuz ur so damn ugly huh. haha..

drawing_a_blank 0

You already DID show me a dirty Mexican. You make fun of others and you like like you do? THAT'S comical.

hd9280 0

pssssht... I stated the obvious, the bitch is fat, obese. bottom line. there's no way around that.. or her. Me, I'm totally fine. U, u dnt have the balls to show ur face.. instead u have a cartoon. lol. and I'm comical?!

drawing_a_blank 0

I find someone with your looks making fun of anyone quite comical actually. That girl's weight doesn't hurt or effect you in any way. How she chooses to look is none of your business. And as far as having a pic of myself goes, maybe I should get in my car and take a half assed shot like yours.

60.. people like you really piss me the **** off. and banananut, I'm sorry :( I used to suffer from anorexia

You should have turned around and slapped the creeper's hand away.

OP was probably so utterly freaked out that he wasn't able to move a muscle, let alone slap somebody in self defense.

I know, I know. The reason why I said that it is because it's what I would do if I were in his situation-- if I too weren't frozen with fear to do anything. Obviously no one ever thinks fast enough to come up with a self defense move or witty response.

ThatLooksSticky 16

::shudder:: I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Eeewwwyuuck!"

GreenDayGirl232 8

Creeeepy O.o shoulda slapped em!

ydi for being so judgmental. what are you 12?

why would he be getting tags for a car at 12?think before you speak!

I know what she was doing I'm not stupid but what she said was dumb because op was getting tags for a car so what she said was pointless..

yea so true she is! But you see my point right?

missawesome16 0

she was saying he was acting like hes 12 k it dont matter wat he was doin u asshole know it all