By NoNotCats =^._.^= - 03/09/2013 08:17 - United States - Mesa

Today, I was at the doctor's getting a check up. He asked me if I was allergic to anything, to which I blurted out, "Cats." He gave me a weird look and said, "Don't worry, I won't give you cats." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 545
You deserved it 7 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Your doctor never gives cats? I would switch doctors. I have a whole litter after my last check up! :D

Lol his fault for not being specific. I would've said the same thing if I were allergic, too.


nina21194 12

That is funny you should just laugh you didn't know why he was asking it and he was probably just trying to be funny.

That's funny as hell but he probably meant are you allergic to medicine so you don't die from what he prescribes.

JoseIsAdork 31

at least he was honest, don't want any litters you aren't prepared for!

I laughed a little too hard at this lol

Dont feel bad OP. I did the same. My doctor said, "let me go change the hypo" and walked out laughing.

Aureliana_fml 2

Oh, I like doctors who have good sense of humour! :)

My chart at the doctor's office says "Allergies to Advair, topirimate, doxycycline, and cats" and they don't laugh about it. They seriously confirm that I'm still allergic to cats every time I visit.

I always say horses even if it's about diets. Like it's a fact I'm allergic to them. You won't feed me horse hair but... most people laugh