By juliaspaperbags - 16/08/2009 14:32 - United States

Today, I was at the lake watching a romantic sunset with my boyfriend. He tenderly started touching my thigh, then started shaking my leg to the rhythm while singing the J-E-L-L-O theme song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 854
You deserved it 8 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your boyfriend=WIN be grateful you have a hilarious boyfriend


babycankles 0

Would you rather be told you have fat thighs? The first thing my boyfriend ever said to me when I wore skinny jeans, is that I was thick. I'm 5'7", 125lbs & very curvy. All I've got is thighs & boobs. So it's whatever. You make it seem like a big deal. It's not.

N3VVRmiNd 0

Your bf sounds cute. Can I have him?

SO WHAT -en ******* dan jong. Why the hell admits the choosing board all the FML's with: 'we were getting hot and then my gf/by said: 'yaddeyadda' (something funny)' There's no FML in those stories at ALL.

blueforyou 0
moonlight_daze 8
princess7_11 0

my boyfriend does the same thing xcept he says they're earth quakes on my leg

birdsfly01 0

**** now I really want some jello!

judomemo 0

maybey he likes your jello thighs

time to put down the sodas and jello fattie