By juliaspaperbags - 16/08/2009 14:32 - United States

Today, I was at the lake watching a romantic sunset with my boyfriend. He tenderly started touching my thigh, then started shaking my leg to the rhythm while singing the J-E-L-L-O theme song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 854
You deserved it 8 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your boyfriend=WIN be grateful you have a hilarious boyfriend


I laughed out loud. Your boyfriend just made my life.

helpmeiamblind 0

Best Boyfriend EVER!!! He's a keeper, and you might want to think about losing some weight there thunder-thighs.

Jennydew 0

Awww.... He was just being silly! My husband does the same thing. Hold on to those funny ones! They don't come around that often.

I think everyone's thighs jiggle a little bit. Mine do!

sleepreader 0

do you really not know what J-E-L-L-O is? I think I might cry. no, I won't. I actually don't like Jello now that i think about it. Anyways, from wiki: Jell-O is a brand name belonging to U.S.-based Kraft Foods for a number of gelatin desserts, including fruit gels, puddings and no-bake cream pies. The brand's popularity has led to its becoming a generic term for gelatin dessert across the US and Canada. Because of this, in the United States, packages of Jell-O are marked as Jell-O Brand.

'Jell-O is a brand name belonging to U.S.': that's probably why I don't know what it is. ^^

YDI for not having a sense of humor, and then crying to the Internet about it. GTFO.

ledandelion 0

Yeah, like others have said- jiggly thighs do not equal cellulite.

ohFawkYou 0
omgwtflolz 0

hahah ur boyfriends funny :) so this isnt an fml. thats just hilarious. be grateful you have a funny boyfriend