By juliaspaperbags - 16/08/2009 14:32 - United States

Today, I was at the lake watching a romantic sunset with my boyfriend. He tenderly started touching my thigh, then started shaking my leg to the rhythm while singing the J-E-L-L-O theme song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 854
You deserved it 8 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your boyfriend=WIN be grateful you have a hilarious boyfriend


_unwritten_xox 0

HAHA! Hey OP, mind if I steal your boyfriend? =P Man, thats so funny. And to the people who say stuff like how these arent good/real fmls, Think about it.. Why would we want to hear everyones sad/deppressing stories other then These pretty funny ones! HAHA, # 17 FTW!

LOL HAHA. FYL though. Your boyfriend might have been trying to be funny, but it was kind of insensitive D:

Kupokupupo 0

haha, someone gets distracted easily.

lacedheadbands 0

there's a jello-theme song? by the way, i don't think he meant it in a mean way, every ones thighs jiggle a litte, even if they're skinny.

captainmaharet 1

That's adorable. Next time start a tickle war!

Haha, this is something my boyfriend would do. I wouldn't worry about it...if he is anything like my boy, he just likes joking around (even if he doesn't realize that some comments hurt you...that probably isn't his intent)

Thats not so bad i've read much more embarrasing things than this,We guys like girls no matter what just because he jiggled your thigh doesnt mean he was calling you fat you probably arent.