By missclitter - 09/04/2012 18:18 - United States

Today, I was at the movies with my boyfriend, when I had to go pee. Halfway down the aisle, I tripped, screamed, and fell face-first into some guy. My boyfriend is now accusing me of cheating and "flirting" with every man I see. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 846
You deserved it 4 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How unfortunate, but how is screaming the same as flirting?

Whoever tripped you must be one Helluva wingman.


Super_Jill_ 1

Did you see the hunger games? I could see why it's two hours and 30 minutes.

cayytee 0

sounds like my ex. youre better off without his dramaaa

I love you comment I almost peed myself sitting here at home

All I can say is, it must've been some guy.

RendarSelin 5

See, had that been me, I would have laughed and teased you for a while about it. Seems he has some insecurities he needs to get over...

To be honest you have done nothing wrong. You tripped so what, tell your boyfriend to stfu, because you wasn't flirting!

It's hard to have a healthy relationship with a jealous retard. Dump him.

KandiceCane 3

Well I'm glad you didn't accidently pee on the innocent stranger

Nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong that at all