By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 968
You deserved it 23 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


mowmowlife 21

Rough. I'm going to say your life sucks, but maybe be a little open minded next time you go in for a scolding.

moemoney8888 7

I knew it was going to end like that...

LemonLolly 10

Uh, your son isn't the only autistic person in the world, OP. Get your nose out of other people's business

lemonademixer 7

Don't be so quick to judge next time op!

Nederlander95 14

So it's a simple misunderstanding, and now your son has someone who he can relate to in his class. This is the opposite of an fml!

Honest mistake, I hope things worked out in the end.

I'm sure she understood, and could appreciate your reaction.

I have Asperger's syndrome which is constantly made fun of. It sucks.