By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 968
You deserved it 23 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


For those ignorant about these spectrum disorders learn more at...

arienh4 0

Don't you EVER recommend that site to anyone EVER again. That site is the most ignorant on the entire web. They believe that autism is an illness and that there is a cure, and that autistic people need to be cured before being accepted into society. That's BULLSHIT. There is no cure, and it's simply a way of life. I'd rather be accepted for who I am. You will not learn anything by reading that website.

No, Sorry, you are misinformed. They do not claim a cure or desease. What they do is provide information on the different viewpoints. They explain what those viewpoints are and the pros and cons of the diffent schools of thought. I do not beleive there is a cure either and treatment is only somwhat successful from my experience. For sure it is difficult for those who live with these disorders. Most inportant is that people recognize that they are human beings too and the deserve to have the best lives they possibly can have given the circumstances. Finally, rather than blasting someone out, why not point them to a website that reflects your school of thought? I am open minded and willing to consider all the information I can find on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Someone close to me has an autistic son and it is something that is important to both of us. I'll acknowledge that I have limited exposure to autism as an EMT and as a person with a relatively new interest in learning all I can about it. So please, #197 enlighten me.

arienh4 0

The best source has been for me the institution which also found out I have autism. I've mainly Googled some information, but they were the most descriptive. Usually institutions are somewhere near you, in hospitals for example, that can provide with personal advice. Look, the reason I overreacted is because so many people don't know about autism and believe that autistic people are radically different people with no social skills. That's the idea Autism Speaks promotes. I seriously can't stand hearing that, and I really don't want anyone else to be convinced towards that way of thinking. "Many parents must mourn some of the hopes and dreams they held for their child before they can move on." So, autistic people can't ever think of achieving normal hopes and dreams? My parents' life hasn't "radically changed". The entire site explains autism is something that is 'wrong with a child'. I just hate that idea.


The 2nd most amazing thing I've heard :]

My brothers autistic, I know how you feel. The exact same thing happened to my mother.

TarasTrouble 0

aww that figures. it'd be the time you said something

I would have done the same ppl who make fun of autistc/retarded ppl are ******* assholes

MrFlintstone 5
melonsmasherrr 0

awww I'm sorry. if any good mother saw that they would surly do the same(:

its an FML cause she has an autistic son.

rachelbearrr 0

and, what does is supposed to mean?

rachelbearrr 0

i've read all the comments here. and i have to say how incredibly stupid people are. one comment was made about how "annoying" autistic kids are. are you joking? i hope so. maybe that person said that because they haven't had the experience of living with a child with autism. it's not a curse for God's sake. more like a blessing. sure, they have problems. but the things they teach you everyday inspire you. to become a better person. everything i do? is for my little brother. if it weren't for him, i'd be a stuck-up, snobby highschooler. making fun of special needs students, the "nerds", etc. i have compassion. the best part is? people are following my example. my life has been much richer. and i thank him (and my family) for that.