By Anonymous - 25/08/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my autistic son when I noticed a teenage girl imitating him by flapping her hands and walking on her toes. Fed up with children mocking my son, I went over and sternly lectured the girl's mother. Turns out, her daughter is autistic too and will be in my son's class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 968
You deserved it 23 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

Sooo thats good right? under the circumstances? They can be friends =]

I understand why you'd be mad.. A close family member of mine is autistic and it makes me very angry if people imitate him.


Im autistic and I dont act that way your son was probably has severe autism I have the other kind you know the kind where you have the disease but you act normal

crazyghost7 0

YDI for having a "stern lecture"

First off, for uninformed people out there making comments on something they have no idea about, be quiet. You have no idea what troubles go on in familes with those on the autism spectrum. 2nd - It's so nice to see someone take a light to autism instead of the belittling shit that us families with those on the spectrum have to deal with all the time. My mom and I had a good laugh over this one; I hope that you two become good friends. Networking with parents is good when it comes to IEP's and everything - you two can help each other out a lot.

hey the same situation happened to me except we were the ones that got yelled school went to mcd and we have all autisitic kids but its hard to tell we had a pretty high functioning group but they have their ticks and just stems that they do and this mother had her autistic child with her and our kids started to stem and make noises and stuff and i guess she was too and the mom flipped out on us for "mocking" her daughter...after she was done we explained to her that we are all teachers to a group of autistic kids she thought we were just a group of teenagers making fun of her daughter...she felt so bad that i felt bad because we kinda got mean with her because of the shit she said in front our kids that most some what understood what was going on...

That's not that bad tho at least you stood up for your son.

jumperdreams 0

@#118 thank you someone finally agrees with me that Borat wasnt funny neither was Bruno (dont get upset people its my opinion) and screwtaylor, i understand you were trying to be funny but the topic of autism and Down Syndrome isn't a very light one and people take real offense even if it is a joke. It was a very poor decision and I think from now on you should think before you post a comment, especially about a little boy with a neurological disorder.

jumperdreams 0

@#111 i really dont have to say much because people will understand when i say you a stupid-ass ****** up bitch

i think its really horrible when people make fun of retarted people (all mental retardations included) but you cant expect everyone to be tolerent and accepting, its just not the world we live in. if you go around lecturing everyone that pokes fun, it wont do any good and they will mock you also. im sorry but i speak the truth i know how people really hate it on here when i do. but deff fyl

CaptainCrunch_fml 0

No...guys...I think this guy might be ******* with all of us...I just find it incredibly hard to believe that anyone is this ******* ignorant and immature. So maturity=being on "the 3 popular best sports for my high school"....I mean I really can't believe that anyone is this ******* stupid. No one gives a flying **** about your ******* IQ or your "fantastic" business skills. That might be your IQ, but I really doubt it, and you may be book-smart but your common sense and life skills are ZERO. You just DON'T ******* get it. You say the mom was being an activist. Do you read? She wasn't being an activist dipshit SHE WAS DEFENDING HER SON. She thought someone was making fun of him because it happens all the ******* time. It's hard to sit there and just let someone make fun of someone you love. They do understand when they're being made fun of. And it DOES hurt them. AND THEN you say she's sheltering him and not letting him experience the world; that she's hurting him in the end by doing what she did. That she should, instead of allowing the arm-flapping and all of their behavior go on, teach him to be "normal". That's what really got me. They can't be taught, you ******* stupid, ignorant, piece of shit, uneducated little boy, to not behave in this way. That's like tell an amputee to just learn how to grow his leg back. For the record, I'm not being an "activist" when I defend mentally challenged people. I defend anybody I believe is being treated badly or when they don't deserve it. No one should ever be made fun of because of something they can't help. Oh. And just because your ******* brother died doesn't mean that nobody else ******* matters. Everyone has their problems. Just because your relative is dead doesn't make your problem any worse than everyone else's. And vice versa. but Your brother is dead, he is not suffering, you are! The difference between you and the OP is that you are suffering, and she is suffering AS WELL AS her son. You're just bitching away at the OP like she can help that her son is the way he is. Why don't you grow up, and try to understand the OP's difficult situation, just like so many people here are sympathizing with you about your brother even though you're an immature little prick.

brainthebamf 0