By Anonymous - 22/06/2014 20:06 - United Kingdom - Basingstoke

Today, I was at the reading of my grandma's will. Apparently I was removed from it some time ago, and the £2,500 I would have gotten went to my cheating bitch of an ex-fiancée. It seems my grandma adored her, and never forgave me for "driving her away" from the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 158
You deserved it 5 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The will = the ultimate form of having the last word in an argument.

JMichael 25

well look at it this way. at least the cheating bitch is out of your life.


Blood is supposed to be thicker than water...

sorry about your "cheating bitch of an ex wife" but you see uncase you haven't noticed, your freaking grandmother is dead now... It seems like you only care for the money... why not the memory of her? did you ever care for her? if not, i'm glad she didn't give you that money... you shouldn't get it...

Merylwen 24

What about the fact that his "freaking grandmother" apparently cared more about some bitch who cheated on him and broke his heart than about her own grandson? This is not about the money, it's about being removed from the will for being cheated on, which is absolutely disgusting.

soragirlfriend 8

I agree somewhat, but I downvoted you for the over improper use of the ellipses.

I would read it more as 'grandma cares more about ex than grandson'

Grandma cares more about the cheating ex than about the heartbroken grandson.

You can always look at it like you saved $2 500 from buying her a ring! Sorry about the passing OP.

Epikouros 31

It looks like you're taking people's affection for granted, based on the relationship you have with them. At least, that seems more likely than both your ex and your grandma being particularly cruel.

Made a comment re-read the FML found that it didnt make much sense so i changed it.To #4 & #5 sorry that i changed it i guess it would have been better to leave it there and make no sense(because that would be smart apparently to you) and to #34 Piss off.That is all.

Merridew 8

OP, believe in karma. That money won't proove any good for your ex.

She may have gotten 2500 quid, but you're all the more richer for not having her in your life, it seems. Not all women are like that, so you'll find someone who's worth more than that! :)

ThatOneTimeLord 25

I would say kill the bitch, but the time in jail, and the fine would be worse than what you missed out on.