By bsaucedo - 28/07/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I was at the Wild Animal Park. There were bees everywhere. One brave bee, thinking he was Mr. Macho, flew right down my tank top in between my boobs. I freaked the hell out and ended up screaming and pulling down my shirt to get the bee out. I flashed about 10 kids and their families. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 938
You deserved it 9 919

bsaucedo tells us more.

bsaucedo 0

who says my tank top was low cut and my cleavage was showing ? my shirt doesnt need to be low cut for a bee to fly in. so you deserve to be run over :)


boredmuch 0

I can definitly see this happening at the Wild Animal Park. Were you near the slushy cart? That's where the most are. And the bees do get a little crazy there.

Oh no, god forbid that children see a woman's nipples. They're going to be scarred for life.

bsaucedo 0

#23 wins. i swear on my life i heard the bee motorboat me when it was between my boobs. or maybe it was just the bee buzzing....? ps. that slipknot guy hating on californians is ******* psychotic .

kscott88 0

Well, at least you have a humorous writing style.

Interspeices lesbian sexual advances ftw.

Aww... I wish I was there. Why not show me a picture of those racks ;)

shirvon100 0

I should start going to the zoo more often

seriously. who the **** refers to a bee as mr macho? your officially a moron. good for you i hope your embarassed.

LOL Sweet irony of someone that doesn't know the difference of 'your' and 'you're' calling someone else a moron. Gotta luv the interweb!

that bee obviously was mr macho. stop freaking the hell out