By bsaucedo - 28/07/2009 05:00 - United States
bsaucedo tells us more.
who says my tank top was low cut and my cleavage was showing ? my shirt doesnt need to be low cut for a bee to fly in. so you deserve to be run over :)
Top comments
If your good enough for a bee then your good enough for me! number please? LOL
Oh my gooses! okay. I know exactly how you feel except a step worse. I got hit by a scared bee when I was sitting in the back seat of a car and it nuzzled right into my bra and decided to sting... with gusto. My boyfriend was not happy that he could not pay attention to that side of my chest for a bit.
I'm a beekeeper (hobbyist). One time one of my bees crawled up my leg trying to find a good spot to take off from while I was opening up the hive. I had to duck into my garage so I could drop my pants to get the bee out.
I hope you have big ****.
I moderated this halarious
You went to a WILDLIFE PARK wearing a tank top low-cut enough so that your cleavage is showing? Who were you trying to impress? Or is getting bug bites on your boobs your idea of a good time? Screw bees, think mosquitoes and ticks. YTDI.
Lucky kids. :P FYL though.
hahaha, a bee being mr.macho,