By bsaucedo - 28/07/2009 05:00 - United States
bsaucedo tells us more.
who says my tank top was low cut and my cleavage was showing ? my shirt doesnt need to be low cut for a bee to fly in. so you deserve to be run over :)
Top comments
1) Why were you not wearing a bra? If your boobs were too small for a bra then it's ok to flash people. 2) Did anyone take any pics? Perhaps someone should search the web, hehe.
its never ok to flash
worker bees are female. just thought I would throw that in there.
pics or it didn't happen
It's called the internet. You're on it. Any comment you make entitles every anonymous person to judge you.
YDI for wearing low shirts and showing off your 12 year old 'boobs' No one cares, no one wants to see
Maybe you'll learn from this experience. Moral of the story? Cover up adequately and cover your chest and any other exposed opening when you're approached by macho bees.
Ignore them, trolls live for this moment.
bees suck.
Bees got game!!
hey if i was one of those kids i wouldn't complain all the people saying most bees are female...they're male. The male worker bees are the ones that fly around gathering pollen.. Where did you people go to school?
Wow. With all colony insects (bees, ants, termites, etc.) the workers are all sterile females. The queen is the only fertile female, and she lays a handful of males once in a while who only live long enough to fertilize the next queen.

Lucky kids. :P FYL though.
hahaha, a bee being mr.macho,