By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 02:58 - United States

Today, I was at Walmart and I asked a guy working there where the scrapbooking stuff was. He led me to the aisle where it was and then said, "By the way, I don't work here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 048
You deserved it 31 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why is this a "FML", the guy was just being nice...

That's a FML 4 u. I hate to see u when something actually goes wrong


Almost every time I go to a craft store, people come up and ask me questions about their projects. I must look like an expert crafter or something. I should probably stop wearing my kittycat sweatshirt and ankle-length jean skirt when I go shopping.

restythestar 0

today I went to walmart and this girl asked me where the scrapbook is. I don't even work there. FML

redrovaa 0

I think the FML is that she was buying scrapbooking stuff.

This is more like a MLIA, definitely not FML.