By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 02:58 - United States

Today, I was at Walmart and I asked a guy working there where the scrapbooking stuff was. He led me to the aisle where it was and then said, "By the way, I don't work here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 048
You deserved it 31 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why is this a "FML", the guy was just being nice...

That's a FML 4 u. I hate to see u when something actually goes wrong


FML - a nice guy helped me out WAHHHHHHHH

jocelyng_fml 0

people do that to me all the time lol

fmlsxmakexmyxday 0

Today while I was at the craft store someone came up to me and asked where the scrapbooking stuff was. I showed him. I don't work here. fml.

I don't see the bad part. He was nice enough to show you.

perfectlypink 0

FHL for knowing where it is & taking u there he could of said before!

purplemnm 9

you're actually complaining that someone was nice enough to help you? who cares if he didn't work there, I've mistaken a lot of people for employees, they just happen to be wearing something that looks like a store uniform. I wonder how you are in every day life if you always complain when people are nice to you and help you, you must be so pleasant to be around.