By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was at work lifeguarding and saw a kid drowning on the far end of the pool. I decided running would be the quickest way to get to her, but as I ran across the pool deck I slipped and hit my head. The kid's mother jumped in to save her child and then called an ambulance for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 052
You deserved it 13 973

Same thing different taste

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whatmarielsaid 0

LOL isn't there a rule there saying, "no running around the pool area"? or something along those lines. jeez.

lol least you tried, that's all matters.


I'm a lifeguard and you can actually be charged with accidental manslaughter or something like that idk if you do something wrong on the job, and someone dies or is seriously injured. Be glad her family did not sue you, you are trained to think logically in a situation like this, and you know that it is dangerous to run. Be glad she didn't die or you probably wouldn't have just got away with a head injury.