By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was at work lifeguarding and saw a kid drowning on the far end of the pool. I decided running would be the quickest way to get to her, but as I ran across the pool deck I slipped and hit my head. The kid's mother jumped in to save her child and then called an ambulance for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 052
You deserved it 13 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatmarielsaid 0

LOL isn't there a rule there saying, "no running around the pool area"? or something along those lines. jeez.

lol least you tried, that's all matters.


You know that "no running" rule that you're always yelling about? It's there for a reason.

jomo_ily 0

if your kid was the one drowning, wouldn't you appreciate the lifegaurd "running by the pool"?

FYL. As a fellow lifeguard I know how little attention you pay to yourself when you're trying to rescue someone. Don't listen to the rude comments, people just don't understand how stressful our job can be at times. Just because we're "trained professionals" doesn't mean we're pool gods. :P

nerdgrl128 0

it was faster to get to the kid, u didn't do anything wrong just be careful next time

Hahatlc 0

yea i remember that I was the driver for the ambulance

Oh, the irony. But hey, you were trying to do a good deed and at least the child was rescued and the mother called an ambulance for you.

paleknight47 0

WTF?!? Am I the only one that sees the BIG red sign saying n " no running" Fyl At least you tried

WOW!! absolute and total epic fail. Your a life guard, normally the jerkoff that tells us to atop running around the pool area. Andd, swimming would be quicker?? You completely fail, YDI.

I really don't think he was in the wrong for running there. Sure he could have swam, but I don't think that would have been as efficient, because not only would he have to be some kind of elite swimmer to get there much faster than he would have power walking, but in his scramble to cut time through the water, he'd have expended quite a bit of that could have been put to use dragging the girl out of the water. A sprint is much less exhausting than a power swim of the same distance. And if he hadn't made it in time trying to follow the rules, the majority of you would have called him a useless goody twoshoes and reprimanded him for not taking a riskier path of action. FYL OP

As justified your actions are with intent of saving a life, any lifesaver should certainly understand the importance of their own safety in and around a pool or beach.