By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was at work lifeguarding and saw a kid drowning on the far end of the pool. I decided running would be the quickest way to get to her, but as I ran across the pool deck I slipped and hit my head. The kid's mother jumped in to save her child and then called an ambulance for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 052
You deserved it 13 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatmarielsaid 0

LOL isn't there a rule there saying, "no running around the pool area"? or something along those lines. jeez.

lol least you tried, that's all matters.


Miamouse 0

lol that seems like something that would happen to me (If I was a lifeguard, But I work in a cafe :)

cupcakecatie 0

Sorry to say but this just made my day I thought I was the only one who had this bizarre allergy. I developed it in 6th grade when swimming class was mandatory for the whole year, they didn't think my excuse was "valid" enough. It sucks because I love swimming :(

I just didn't have the heart to click, "you totally deserved it"

oh man that sucks. well at least everyone ended up okay!

YDI for not knowing the pool rules in which ur the life guard at

MiaLoves 8

I don't think anyone expects lifeguards to be super heroes. No worries, there's always tomorrow.

Anonymous2194 4

Only idiots think OP deserved it.

Is it bad I LOL'd , Atleast you had good intentions though :)