Masters of mischief

By Anonymous - 18/07/2024 16:00 - United States - Salem

Today, my 4-year-old twin sons discovered how to lock doors. They locked me out of the house while I was taking out the trash. I had to climb through the kitchen window, which they'd generously smeared with peanut butter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 431
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

children, such a blessing. You could be a condom ad

Madness_Mayhem 2

yo... I'm allergic to peanut butter so I would have been froze...


Madness_Mayhem 2

yo... I'm allergic to peanut butter so I would have been froze...

Wadlaen 23

children, such a blessing. You could be a condom ad

And they're only four??? Either they're practicing to be the next Kevin McCallister or they're going to wind up in juvenile detention.

"Congratulations, you two...YOU'RE GETTING CHIPPED. Like the animals you are."