By JCC - 18/05/2011 10:57 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a three-year-old. She asked me what was wrong with my belly. I had to explain to her that I'm just fat. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 472
You deserved it 13 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Tell the toddler you are Santa. You will get sooo much respect.


Kitkatrehab 0

Aw- I'm sorry that soooo sad but funny- kids r pushy little things lol

maybe you should lose some weight... hmm

I have to tell the kids in preschool (I'm a secondary at different preschools) that I'm not having a baby in my tummy.. They're 1-5 years old.. They don't believe me.. I'm not that fat at all -.-

jenni1991 0

Lol omgosh ! kids are so curious ! haha

kyuubirules 0

Well I bet your belly is cute ;)

Gutsmasher 1

Oink oink oink oink oink oink oink