By Dx - 06/03/2011 07:18 - United States

Today, I was babysitting for my usual. After putting the baby to sleep I put some popcorn in the microwave and went to the bathroom. When I came out the whole kitchen was filled with smoke. One of the neighbors saw and called 911. I'm out of a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 237
You deserved it 34 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't make popcorn, you probably shouldn't baby sit.

christa953 12

you're out of a job, they're out of a microwave.


I can see your next job being for the fire dept.

lmao this happened to us in church years ago we got in so much trouble! it wasn't fair at all -_- it smelled so bad lmao

takemewithy0u 0

Because of popcorn? That's lame.

Ah #44... Chill the **** out, different popcorns and different microwaves vary. The op could be used to a certain time on their microwave and thought that time would. You over f bombed and must've been In a pissy mood.

At least it wasn't the baby the op microwaved "Im tired, this baby feels square. Eh. Popcorn will wake me up. Big popcorn bag, feels like a baby. Beep beep. Ah!! Crap attack. Smoke!!! Get the baby!! Oh damn..."

How do you set fire to a microwave, and a house with popcorn?!?! You must be very special or full of shit!

We had a fire start at work because some bone head stuck popcorn in the mw and went to the bathroom. Read the instructions.

munkeedu 0

That house must stink terribly. xD

Why did so many people mark this YDI? Who actually sits there and waits for the popcorn to finish popping? Stop pretending you're better than everybody else by waiting beside the microwave. Yeah, it's a simple mistake, and my guess is that OP will probably never multitask while there is popcorn in the microwave ever again, but don't pretend it's never happened to you.

pris8cilla 0

.. for that popcorn to burst out in flames.. it mustve been in that bathroom for a while.. so.. you took a dunk in their bathroom, then set their microwave on fire.... nice one