By jailofc - 07/11/2012 05:48 - United States - Flagstaff
jailofc tells us more.
Hey everyone I am the OP, I am a CO at a very "nice" jail as I like to think, we treat our inmates with respect as long as they show respect back ( I didn't mean to start a political debate here haha). Basically, I thought it was stupid to be bitched out about my "customer service" because that is a very strange thing to say about a jail, where SAFETY and SECURITY should be priority. And frankly, I don't believe my *accused* criminals should be served in any other way besides providing safety and security.
Top comments
Well, you work in a jail.. Might as well try to make it nicer.. or something..
they are still people
First, OP i commend you for your choice (I'm assuming) of work. to most of the commenters, you obviously haven't been on the inside and seen what these people go through. Yes, a lot of them have done some horrible things, but do any of you realize how many people are in prisons for no reason other than to have numbers of arrests and imprisonment to get people elected? Do you realize that there are many people who are locked up for things they didn't do? In the prisons I have seen, the inmates are practically starved, rarely given milk and fruit that many of us on the outside take for granted, allowing them to rot in our refrigerators. I personally know someone who lost nearly 100 pounds during their time in, lost almost all the muscle they had because they were barely ever let outside unless it was either boiling hot or freezing, and even then, it was so the people in charge could ransack their belongings for no good reason. yes, I know they have a job to do and they do it well. Most of the comments I read were cruel. to those that weren't, thank you. In most of the places I have seen, the inmates are pretty respectful to the guards and other people in charge. I never saw one inmate who wasn't. Just because someone made some mistakes or broke the law or did something bad, it doesn't make them any less human than the rest of us. OP I'm sorry for this rant, but judgmental people that have no idea what it is like on the inside of these places really annoy me.
you should have been like "bitch i work in a prison what do you expect from me"
So I made an account specifically for this comment. Personally after reading all the comments I am rather appalled by a lot of the peoples mind set on this site. People make wrong choices, mistakes happen and a lot of them DO get punished more so than need be, yet you all feel the need to pretty much dehumanize them and automatically assume they are nothing but wild animals or filth/garbage. I personally know a few convicts that really got their shit together afterword and really try to start over. Obviously not all are like that and some do awful things that shouldn't really ever be forgiven, and to be honest put yourself in their shoes. If you were a convict and all anyone did was bring up what you did, or treat you like shit I doubt you would want to be a better person. Have some courtesy. Anyway sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors its 7:40 am and I have yet to sleep, enjoy.
I also work in a jail. My "customers" eat the same food we are served in the staff cafeteria, enjoy flat-screen televisions in every dorm, and have a $5 co-pay for medical-but only if they have money on their books. There are fights all the time, and I have been called every name in the book and been swung on as well. These people get better customer service than any store I've ever shopped at, and are far less deserving. They are constantly talking about what we (staff) owe them and are rarely repentant for their actions. Keep up your good work, OP.
Oh so they are not people then, surely
Criminals are people too and no mater their mistakes (unless they are pedophiles or merdurers) they should be treated as such.

Did you throw quarters at them?
Everybody's a critic.