By jailofc - 07/11/2012 05:48 - United States - Flagstaff
jailofc tells us more.
Hey everyone I am the OP, I am a CO at a very "nice" jail as I like to think, we treat our inmates with respect as long as they show respect back ( I didn't mean to start a political debate here haha). Basically, I thought it was stupid to be bitched out about my "customer service" because that is a very strange thing to say about a jail, where SAFETY and SECURITY should be priority. And frankly, I don't believe my *accused* criminals should be served in any other way besides providing safety and security.
Top comments
I seriously laughed out loud at this one. It really sucks when our criminals have better lives than we do. As long as you are treating them "humanely" than that's all you should be required to do. That's more than I can say for how they reciprocate not only you but society as well.
Hey everyone I am the OP, I am a CO at a very "nice" jail as I like to think, we treat our inmates with respect as long as they show respect back ( I didn't mean to start a political debate here haha). Basically, I thought it was stupid to be bitched out about my "customer service" because that is a very strange thing to say about a jail, where SAFETY and SECURITY should be priority. And frankly, I don't believe my *accused* criminals should be served in any other way besides providing safety and security.
So what, if some girl calls me awful names whenever she sees me, I should still be kind and respectful to her? There's a difference between being respectful, and being a pushover. Allowing others to mistreat you or disrespect you, while still respecting them is ridiculous. If someone is disrespecting you, you are completely within your rights to stand up for yourself.
You know you have to be friendly to them. Some are there for murder and can snap at anytime. What do they have to lose? He don't want a riot to start.
Uh, just cuz they are criminals doesn't mean you have to be a dick to them. Chances are, you probably do some of the same things they do, it's just you haven't been caught yet..
It's not a reason to treat them like dogs
That doesn't give you a right to be rude. Their already criminals, surely it isn't that difficult to be the better person.
Yeah, don't hurt the child molester's or the murderer's feelings, right? Don't be such a pussy. Its ******* prison, not a hotel.
actually he said jail not prison and there is a huge difference
That doesn't mean that you can treat them like absolute crap. I'm not saying to act like a hotel concierge, but still... And how badly are you treating your "customers?" Is it on a level with the students of Zimbardo's prison experiment? If it's even half as bad as that, then you should probably get some customer service skills.
Did you throw quarters at them?
Everybody's a critic.